Do you guys see me name...

Wow....mega deja vu!!!!!! I distinctly remember reading this thread in a dream about a week ago. All the same people replied, including unc's Mongo comment. I remember chuckling to myself over the vauge reference to Blazing Saddles. :eek:
Isn't that freaky when that happens? Sometimes it's like i can actually recall what's going to happen in the coming milliseconds. Only thing is whenever it happens it seems like it's always over something extremely insignificant.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Isn't that freaky when that happens? Sometimes it's like i can actually recall what's going to happen in the coming milliseconds. Only thing is whenever it happens it seems like it's always over something extremely insignificant.

Scares the bejesus out of me....but I think it actually has saved my life before. When I bought my car in December, I was approaching an intersection after having it only a few days. I suddenly had this flash of blue in front of me and a quick deja vu from a dream I had about a week earlier (before I even had intentions of buying a new car) of a car flying through the intersection. I slammed on my brakes and a second or two later this blue older caprice ran the red light in front of me. Due to teh blindness of the intersection, I didn't see it coming until after I hit the brakes.

When I was in debate in HS, I actually knew what the other team was going to say once because I had heard something similar in a dream before. Made for easy preparation for my next speech.
I see them all. I don't think there'd be anyone who wouldn't be able to see it all, they're all standard ASCII characters. Now if you were an arabic or russian or chinese or japanese name, for instance, that might be different.
HeXp£Øi± said:
I should say...use the numbers on the numberpad rather.

octal <== runs linux

I don't have a numberpad (but your name does show up correctly) :drink2:
I always treat deja vu, and other assorted creepy and gut feelings with the utmost care. And I've yet to be wrong. I learned early in life to treat them like someone's trying to tell me something, or get my attention. I dunno who, but he seems to be on my side for the most part.