DOD suggests 33 base closures

Crane Naval Base in Greene County, Indiana was not on the list, though 672 jobs will be cut there. This has been a huge story locally; if Crane were to close, Green County would turn into a wasteland. Only 40% of the county's economy is directly attributed to Crane.
Platsburg, NY got creamed that way. There were only 2 major sources of revenu. The AFB, and the Canadian border. The AFB was shut down, and the near vertical drop in the Canuck buck pretty much wiped that town from the map.
Professur said:
Platsburg, NY got creamed that way. There were only 2 major sources of revenu. The AFB, and the Canadian border. The AFB was shut down, and the near vertical drop in the Canuck buck pretty much wiped that town from the map.
One of Dara's nursing students just moved back up there.
Dood, I didn't know they had any Iraqi's
in New Mess-co just a lot Indians.

Hey closing these places will save 30+ billion
I say go for it!
I only saw like 3 real bases on the list; 2 in Georgia, 1 in South Dakota. The rest were just a bunch of smallish outposts and whatnot.
Yeah, looking over the pdf file..
I looks pretty good for Ga.
I think it'll work fine for here, if they do it slow, so the affected communities
can get restructured.
Well dem bases show nuff ain't doin' nuthin'
to keep them illegals out, dats fer sure.