Dodgy email

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I keep getting an email:

WARNING! (1312685090)

This is an automated message from the
<[email protected]> mailing list manager

List messages sent to your address <edited> have bounced.

If you read this message, your mail system has been probably fixed.

To clear the bounce counter and to prevent automatic cancelation of
your subscription, use the Reply command in your mailer.

Check that the Subject of the reply message contains
the confirmation ID: 1312685090,
and the reply is directed to <[email protected]>,
and the 'From' address of your reply is <edited>.

All requests about this mailing list
should be sent to <[email protected]>

...from JJ72 administration which I can't place. I thought it was one of the other forums but I don't think so... does anyone else recognise it?
The other day i received an email from an 'ie' domain, i just deleted it.

Trust me, unsuscribing you from some of those lists means more problems.
That's a fact. At best, it verifies your e-mail for a spammer list. At worst, the link could inject a virus. Delete and ignore.
I've kept getting it 2 or 3 times a day for about 2 or 3 weeks, I've set up the filter so that it's dumped straight in my delete folder which empties every time I close Outlook. I was just wondering if anyone recognised it as a genuine forum address.
When I get spam from the same addy more than twice (provided I recognize it) I forward it to my ISP asking them to block it at the source. I never hear back from them, but I seldom get anything from that addy again.