does php suck?


New Member
So today I've mainly been doing PHP.

Something I wouldn't usually be doing, but in a vague attempt to pay the bills I'm revisiting some software that I last touched a couple of years ago...

I can't quite decide if it sucks or not... I don't like the way all the database functions have prefixes depending on what database they are used with... this app has to work on mySQL and postgres, and I'm thinking of adding Oracle and MSSQL soon... has PHP got some sort of decent database abstraction thingy in the past couple of years? Something like Perl's DBI or JDBC or even ODBC (which it looks like it can do, but ain't so great for unix)

The app has to work on unix and windows btw; the windows support it what i'm mainly working on...

Actually I'm doing a PHP frontend to it's configuration at the moment. It's all done by text files, but the general wisdom is that text files would be too scary for windows types and especially setting up the database tables would be too much...

How about templating? I guess PHP is a templating language already... Just looking at this code kinda makes me wince - there's loads of code mixed in with the presentation... anything in PHP which enforces templating disapline?

groan... anyway... best get on... feel free to start a "my language is better than your language" holy war if you want. My vote is for perl rocking the world...
you can do ODBC with PHP, there's also some other universal API for UNIX, but i can't remember the name of it.
php doesn't suck, but it is difficult for me to get interested in doing anything with it