Dogs on death row.


Well-Known Member

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The case of 174 feral Chihuahuas on death row in a Los Angeles animal shelter has pitted animal rescue groups against each other in a debate over whether the purse-sized dogs are too vicious to adopt.

I think I'd be afraid to go in the room they're in. Everywhere I'd turn, all I'd see is a little dog looking at me, telling me to drop the chalupa. :D
Professur said:
Oh, I thought this thread was about real dogs. Never mind.


Some experts have also warned that the adorable lap dogs, made wild by years of inbreeding and roaming in packs in the home of their elderly owner, were closer to miniature wolves than the cute breed made famous as the Taco Bell mascot.

No one questions that these are troubled dogs. The pack's dominant members have attacked and killed more than a dozen kennel mates after arriving at the shelter, Michelson said.

Once again, another pet owner ruins the lives of these animals because of their own selfish, ignorant acts. I wish people were more responsible pet owners. They should starve the dogs for a week, slather her in peanut butter and lock her in the kennel with them.
Trish, thats natural animal behaviour domesticatyion originally ruined it. Not to be pedantic or anyhting
I'll agree that it's humans who originally took these animals out of the wild and domesticated them. But when you do domesticate them, you have a responsibility to continue to treat them like domesticated animals. You can't take a cat that has lived it's life in a house and release it into the woods thinking it's going to go back to it's roots and be able to survive.

I guess my whole problem is when people take an animal and breed them to their own purposes. To be viscous and fight, especially. But this woman seems to have just not cared. She didn't get them fixed and allowed them to in-breed which we all know is not good. And when you have a pack of dogs that large, the pack behavior is going to overrun any human who gets in the way. That's where the domestication comes in-if you're not the pack leader, the alhpa dog, you're not treating your dogs as you should.

Most people know nothing about dogs or caring for one when they get it. And it's that ignorance that fills the dog pounds with unwanted animals.
Yep, I'm the alpha dog at my house, unfortunately the cats and my wife could give a shit.:lol: The dogs know it though. You're right GF. I always think that anyone who doesn't have at least some understanding of pack behavior shouldn't own dogs.
I agree completely with chcr and Greenie. Of course having gonads doesn't hurt either.