Doing it . . .

Looks like you had a great time :headbang:

I assume you were 8000ft asl (2438m), highest I've ever been was on top of a mountain near Toluca (Toluca in itself is at 2680m) if you are not used to that altitude they say it is hard to breathe.[font=Arial,Helvetica][size=-1]
Yeah we did!

the altitiude is OK with us, but we are used to it.

I'm a home movie whore. I love making short movies of trips to *insert any ol' adventure here*

I find it relaxing, I know one day my children will appreciate it. I have the movies of our travels as well as the trip real-time mapping files. (you can replay the trip at what ever speed you like on mapping software).

I also send DVD's to family around the world, with 5-8 movies on each one.
Very kewl! Great editing. :cool:

What kind of 3D topo software is that you have on the laptop? I'm assuming it runs off of an input from a GPS receiver. There are similar nautical navigation software programs such as The Cap'n. That 3D topo mapping looks very useful for backcountry traveling such as you experinced. Where is that?
The Software is DeLorme - Topo. I have tried a few differnt ones and the Delorme has far more useful modules for it. I have the Streets Atlas set-up to (for urban survival)

Seemless intergration. It will find just about anything you need on your travels (and with 6 gurlz in the car, bathroom location can be devine knowledge. ;) )

The list is very impressive of what it will locate with very detailed specifics (Korean restaraunt within 20-miles or within 5 miles of the path on a 1,000 mile trip) And audio navigational warnings.

It will aslo retreive road conditions ahead of you in real time, then suggest detours or hotels.

Its compliant with my older Magellian hand-held 'Tracker' too so I can pre-program trails and way-points.

I have used it in my ski-boat (19' bow-rider) but never in a large body of water.
Quite a little brood ya got there, RM. The melted marshmallow faces are priceless. :D
I have got to get out west again. The Smokies are okay, but not really the same. Thanks for the vid, I really enjoyed it.
oooo.. GPS ... *spank,spank*

I almost freaked when I saw that upshot of you in that rock chute with your pantleg WIDE open. I'm glad that the shadow was heavy enough to disguise big jim and the twins.
Thats not a rock-chute I'm climbing in, that is a Giant Sequoia tree! That burned-out hallow I am climbing in goes up for over 100'. I was about 15-feet up all up in it.

very nice vid thank you. i enjoyed that.

that is the road i searched for with the last car.....never found it...just as well. nobody would have heard from me again if i did...