Domestic Espionage Alert: Spy Drone Discovered


Well-Known Member

Domestic Espionage Alert: Spy Drone Discovered

News Junkie
January 10, 2010

KPRC news in Houston recently filmed a secret experiment by law enforcement agencies including the Dept. of Homeland Security of a drone intended to spy on Americans.

The drone uncovered during this investigation are not like the large, expensive models used by the military for targeted strikes on militants half a world away. These are manufactured by Insitu out of Bingen, Washington (corporate offices located in Australia), only weigh about 40 pounds (18.1 kg) before monitoring equipment is installed. This model has the capacity to stay airborne for up to a day.

The Houston Police Department responded with the following statement, “Potential public safety applications include mobility, evacuations, homeland security, search and rescue, as well as tactical.”

Such benign excuses were also used during the passage of draconian bills such as FISA and the Patriot Act before it was revealed the much more insidious and rampant applications of those tools.

Houston is within the coastal and border zone of America, where two-thirds of the population lives and where constitutional rights are routinely disregarded according to the ACLU, yet this poses the question about whether this is pilot program and the usage of unmanned drones might become a regular policy of law enforcement agencies in surveillance operations.

Such benign excuses were also used during the passage of draconian bills such as FISA and the Patriot Act before it was revealed the much more insidious and rampant applications of those tools.

You have nothing to hide, right? So whats the problem?

but the patriot act, that was the good guys, and now we got this obama guy, who is a halfrican muslim communist. so it's bad. he's gonna hypnotize us with his crafty magic ways and then he's gonna spy on us to make sure it's working. it's a goddamned techno-voodoo conspiracy! drones and chicken feet, that's what i tells you.
but the patriot act, that was the good guys, and now we got this obama guy, who is a halfrican muslim communist. so it's bad. he's gonna hypnotize us with his crafty magic ways and then he's gonna spy on us to make sure it's working. it's a goddamned techno-voodoo conspiracy! drones and chicken feet, that's what i tells you.

from your lips :p
yeah this ain't really jack.
It was probably just Google.

The sounds tech they are working that Is some freaky stuff.

Many many tech things are out there that Could be used in a wrong way.
I'd think the people that Really want to do evil, would use something more unseen.
Does anyone here actually think they don't have you under some form of surveillance, continually? The only two relatively recent criminals who weren't caught in a matter of days lived in the woods.