Don't call him Hussein

Why would you call him Hussein in the first place? The usual custom would be be to call him Barack or Mr. Obama or Barack Hussein Obama. Some people go by their middle names but that's a choice they make.

As for Richardson, it seems you're declaring him to be of bad character without the benefit of a trial.

It'd be nice to have a investigation into how some of the companies Bush dealt with got their no bid contracts. Than you could declare him of bad character just because someone was investigating something.
I go by my middle name 99% of the time...always have.
I didn't know until I started school, that most people went by their first name.:shrug:

I go by my middle name 99% of the time...always have.
I didn't know until I started school, that most people went by their first name.:shrug:

How'd that work out? Did your parents start calling you by your middle name when you were young?
How'd that work out? Did your parents start calling you by your middle name when you were young?

My dad always went buy his middle name Steve, because he didn't like James.

So I guess I just naturally never considered it unpopular.
My mom uses her first, but my brother and sister both use the middle name most.

I do use my full name for business.
Still, that's the exception rather than the rule and the "Hussein" whiners are specifically doing it because a) they're asses or b) they're simply too stupid for abstract thought.
I know that's right...
I just think making a big deal out of it is silly on both sides.
IMO it's sad that's the best some can do.
Cause you don't like latinos?

Cause I don't like Richardson.
I don't like Barney frank either.
I don't like Harry Reid either.

So I guess I'm a bigot against the whole human race, and a hate monger, Huh?
So I guess I'm a bigot against the whole human race, and a hate monger, Huh?

well that's what i've always thought, with the ways you've carried on about such matters. you wacky hatemonger you. :rolleyes:

but, seriously, spike, that was pretty shitty. your comment was without any basis.
well that's what i've always thought, with the ways you've carried on about such matters. you wacky hatemonger you. :rolleyes:

IMO much depends on the persons perspective, drawn from their own experiences,
or what they believe from what they've seen/heard.

I am passionate about 'certain' issues, and some consider some of my views racist I reckon, but I'm really not at heart.

ANYONE, that acts right, I call friend.

as far as who I Don't like....
No one, any of um, that supported the bailout, or voted for it. Period.
That's for office holders, and any gov officials, in any branch.
About hate....
as I've said...
Hate is a strong word, strong emotion, and dangerous to harbor.