Don't do as I do. Do as I say.


Well-Known Member
It seems that not too long ago the candidate Obama said this:

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times and then just expect that other countries are going to say, 'Okay.' That's not leadership. That's not going to happen."

Everyone on board so far?

Well now it seems that he is in the lap of luxury cranking the thermostat up to around 80 degrees while telling the rest of us that doing so is "not leadership".

I wonder if other countries are saying "Okay."

White House Unbuttons Formal Dress Code

Published: January 28, 2009

WASHINGTON — The capital flew into a bit of a tizzy when, on his first full day in the White House, President Obama was photographed in the Oval Office without his suit jacket. There was, however, a logical explanation: Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat.

He’s from Hawaii, O.K.?” said Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.”


Obama hasn't lived in Hawaii for many years so that excuse won't wash. I wonder what ever happened to "That's not going to happen."

He has apparently also brought with him a "casual Friday every day" attitude and doesn't show up in the Oval Office until 9AM. Every business that has a "casual Friday every day" attire policy has seen a decrease in work ethic due to a "casual Friday every day" attitude.

I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens to the work ethic in the business of running the government. I am betting on "not pretty".
More pointless bitching and whining.

It's weird, after a little bit of searching I can't find anything to confirm this 80 degree claim of yours

He has apparently also brought with him a "casual Friday every day" attitude and doesn't show up in the Oval Office until 9AM. Every business that has a "casual Friday every day" attire policy has seen a decrease in work ethic due to a "casual Friday every day" attitude.

Do you have some evidence to confirm this "every business" claim of yours or are just pulling stuff out of your ass?

I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens to the work ethic in the business of running the government.

It must have burned you up when Bush set the new record for vacation days. You're still a little bitter about that one right?
What? The NY Times headline story isn't enough to convince you that it's casual day in a warm office?

Bush's "vacation days" were, as all Presidents, working days.
so this is a non-issue, but cindy mccains wardrobe was essential to pre-election coverage.. bristol palin being pregnant indicated a lack of moral compass on her mothers part, but obama acting decidedly non-green in the face of his tree hugging supporters is no big deal

spike needs a sandwich board. 'Move along, nothing to see here, pay no attention to the man behind the myth''
What? The NY Times headline story isn't enough to convince you that it's casual day in a warm office?

Caual day is fine :thumpup: I don't see anything about 60 degrees though, did you?

Bush's "vacation days" were, as all Presidents, working days.

Yep, clearing brush and shit.
Where have you been? Liberals never practice what they preach. Lowering thermostats and lowering expectations and lowering consumption is only for "the little people."

I heard he was wearing a wife-beater, bermuda shorts, flip flops, smoking a joint, and wearing a straw boater, by the way. :shrug:
Where have you been? Liberals never practice what they preach. Lowering thermostats and lowering expectations and lowering consumption is only for "the little people."

Actually it's the cons who don't practice what they preach. :rofl3:

I heard he was wearing a wife-beater, bermuda shorts, flip flops, smoking a joint, and wearing a straw boater, by the way. :shrug:

Doesn't surprise me that you heard than considering the unreliability of most of your information.

Cons just kind of make up shit tand then act like it's real. *shrug*
You're right. He was probably saying: " 'Shell? Woman, don't Bogart that joint. Pass it over to me. Roll another one just like the other one. You've been holding on to it and I sure will like a hit."

More pointless bitching and whining.

It's weird, after a little bit of searching I can't find anything to confirm this 80 degree claim of yours

I guess you read around the word "around" when you were not reading the word "around" so you could say I was making it up. 78 degrees is "around" 80 degrees. 82 degrees is "around" 80 degrees.

You also must have worked your way around the part of the story which says "You could grow orchids in there.” Ever seen orchids grow in a 72 degree room?

Do you have some evidence to confirm this "every business" claim of yours or are just pulling stuff out of your ass?

There was a study done several years ago which showed that casual dress engenders casual attitudes and the work ethic suffers as a result.

It must have burned you up when Bush set the new record for vacation days. You're still a little bitter about that one right?

Every president takes vacations, they are always working vacations, the football always goes along, the contingent always goes along. All that happens is the president is out of DC.
I guess you read around the word "around" when you were not reading the word "around" so you could say I was making it up. 78 degrees is "around" 80 degrees. 82 degrees is "around" 80 degrees.

So you're saying you have no idea what it's set at and picked a number at random.

You also must have worked your way around the part of the story which says "You could grow orchids in there.” Ever seen orchids grow in a 72 degree room?

Oh I see where you went wrong. You took that as a scientific assessment instead of the joke it was. ;)

There was a study done several years ago which showed that casual dress engenders casual attitudes and the work ethic suffers as a result.

There's been several studies showing casual dress increases productivity.

Every president takes vacations, they are always working vacations, the football always goes along, the contingent always goes along. All that happens is the president is out of DC.

And brush gets cleared instead of other work.

Obama Getting Heat for Turning Up the Oval Office Thermostat
President Obama is facing criticism for keeping his office warm enough to "grow orchids" in -- after he called on Americans to protect the environment and turn down their thermostats.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

President Obama lectured voters during the campaign about the need to make sacrifices for the environment. But now it's warm and toasty in the White House -- so much so that aides have likened it to a tropical hot house -- and Obama is under fire for turning up the heat.

Obama made climate change a staple of his stump speech last year, calling on Americans to lower their energy use and set a model for the rest of the world in combating climate change.

During a campaign event in Oregon in May, Obama said we have to "lead by example." "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times," he said.

"That's not leadership. That's not going to happen."

But for the first few weeks of his presidency, that's precisely what has happened in the White House.

On the first day of his presidency, Obama allowed staffers to venture into the Oval Office without wearing coat and tie, which had been obligatory under President Bush. Fashion observers called it a new age of business casual at the White House.

Obama's aides had a simpler explanation. Though he's spent more than 20 years in Chicago, the president was born in Hawaii. And so he "likes it warm" in the Oval Office, said Chief of Staff David Axelrod. "You could grow orchids in there," he told the New York Times.

But while it's perpetual summer in the Oval Office, the rest of the country has been trudging through a tough winter. Ice storms have cut power to millions in the Midwest and South.

With few orchids growing in the heartland, critics are saying that Obama -- who urged individual sacrifice in an inaugural address that called for a "new era of responsibility" -- hasn't been willing to bear the cold with the rest of the country.

"It's stunning hypocrisy," said Christopher Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and author of two books critical of global warming activists. "Obama spins the dial up, takes off his coat and seeks to mandate that we turn the dial down," he said.

Obama could take a lesson from one of his predecessors, critics say.

During the gasoline shortage of the 1970s, President Jimmy Carter famously donned a cardigan and turned down the thermostat in the White House. He urged the nation to do the same during a notably chilly fireside chat he gave from his cooled-off home -- a symbolic gesture intended to move other Americans to go easy on the country's depleted stores of energy.

Charles Ebinger, director of the Energy Security Initiative at the Brookings Institute, said that presidential roles and security measures will necessarily prevent Obama from being completely green.

"No one can justify from an energy-efficiency standpoint riding in a bulletproof car, but as president of the United States I think we need to protect his security," he said. "Symbolically it's important, but I wouldn't read too much into it."

The 800-square-foot Oval Office accounts for only a small part of the White House's overall area: at 55,000 square feet, the Georgian mansion is a public institution, and taxpayers cover the cost of powering a building that is part dwelling, part museum and the nerve center of the Executive Branch of the U.S. government.

The White House began going green during the 1990s, and reports from the Department of Energy show that innovations and changes have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in energy costs each year for the buildings that house White House staff.

Obama's White House declined to comment on the president's personal energy use, but did note that his stimulus package will continue the greening trend, paving the way for 75 percent of federal buildings to be modernized to increase their energy efficiency.

Yet in the sanctum sanctorum of executive power, Obama has kept it steamy -- literally. The entire White House complex is heated by steam radiators, part of an old energy system that continues to undergo renovations.

Critics say it's time for the president to put his coat -- or his cardigan -- back on.

Horner said the president should follow the demands he's made of the rest of the country and start "turning down the dial and putting on a sweater instead of [demanding] sacrifice he talks about for other people."

But some energy experts say Obama, who made energy efficiency a cornerstone of his campaign, needs to stay on message.

"He's got to make every American make a personal commitment" to decrease their own energy use and educate the country about the threat of climate change, he said. "The earlier the president can convey that message the better."
According to Jim it's a working holiday.

I'm not sure how he's going to stay on Bush's pace only taking a few days though.