Don't know if this helps...


New Member
My computer just rebooted itself again. This is what it told me at the product support services when I sent a report of the problem. I don't know if this helps any of you computer people - but if you have any suggestions, I'll be grateful.

Error signature:
BCCode : 7f BCP1 : 0000000D BCP2 : 00000000 BCP3 : 00000000
BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 0_0 Product : 256_1

Error Caused by a Device Driver

Thank you for submitting an error report to Windows Online Crash Analysis. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with specific information about how to resolve this problem at this time. The information that you and other users submit will be used to investigate this problem.


A device driver installed on your system caused the problem, but we cannot determine the precise cause.

Getting Help

Depending on which situation is applicable to you, do one of the following:

If this problem occurred after you installed a new hardware device on your system, the problem might be caused by the driver for the device. If you know the manufacturer of the device, contact the manufacturer's product support service for assistance.
Some software, such as firewall and anti-virus software, also installs drivers. If this problem occurred after you installed new software, the software might have installed a driver that caused the problem. If you know the manufacturer of the software, contact the manufacturer's product support service for assistance.
If you don't know the driver's manufacturer and need help diagnosing and resolving this problem, contact your computer manufacturer's product support service.
Updated drivers might be available on the Microsoft Windows Update Web site. At Windows Update, you can have your computer scanned and, if there are updated drivers available, Windows Update will offer a selection of drivers that you might be able to use. To learn more about updated drivers that might be available, visit Microsoft Windows Update.
For information about Microsoft support options, visit Microsoft Product Support Services.

You can track this error report by clicking the Track this error report link. If you choose to track your error report, you will be notified of resolutions to this problem as they are identified.
hm...Paul built it from different bits, bought from different people I think. Even the monitor's got no name on it. argh... stupid piece of crap... I keep losing things I've just written.
Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
Click Performance and Maintenance, and then click System.
Click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager.
Double-click a device type (for example, double-click Modems) to see the devices in that category.
Double-click a device to view its properties. If an error code has been generated, the code appears in the Device Status box on the General tab.

If you see an error code on anything... check it against this listing.;en-us;Q310123
Shouldn't need a device driver update usually, but in this case, it might not hurt to try going to the site for the manufacturer of your DVD drive and seeing if there are any articles about that kind of error on XP, maybe they have a driver update that fixes it. Get moof to update the firmware on the drive if applicable.