Mayor Bob Levy's administration has said he's absent on temporary medical leave, but won't reveal if he's hospitalized and, if so, where Levy might be.

It's called HIPPA. They can't say anything by law. Yeah, it gets in the way when the person in question is the farkin MAYOR, but hey...we live in a day and age where every word and thought is now governed. Some asshat somewhere got pissed because a message was left by a doctor on his ma-chine, somebody heard it, and he sued somebody. A jury of 12 PC asshats agreed with the asshat in question, and now a city has potential anarchy because the mayor had a vasectomy or whatever. Welcome to the 21st Century.
I thougth the Sopranos was done? Mop hits in NJ? Whooda thunk it?
yeah SnP, what Gato said. I got plenty while I was in traction for a moth, and on Dilatid.
Although in my wilder days, I knew this guy that was diabetic, and he pumped in 30units just to show me.