Don't Panic.

ut oh :eh:

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy movie is bad. Really bad. You just won't believe how vastly, staggeringly, jaw-droppingly bad it is. I mean, you might think that The Phantom Menace was a hopelessly misguided attempt to reinvent a much-loved franchise by people who, though well-intentioned, completely failed to understand what made the original popular - but that's just peanuts to the Hitchhiker's movie. Listen.

And so on...

It’s bad on a big scale because enormous swathes of the story have been dispensed with - most of the Guide entries, whole scenes - or changed beyond all recognition. And it is bad on a small scale because many, many wonderful lines have been cut or in some cases actually rewritten to make them less funny. Whatever your favourite line from Hitchhiker’s, there’s a good chance that it won’t be in the film. Even if it’s really well-known, widely-quoted, much-loved, very funny - it will probably be absent from the movie. Or if it is there, it might have been changed.

Saw it! It was pretty good, IMO. They changed a lot from the book, but they got the sense of humor. It was fun. :D
Probably going tomorrow night. Taking the kids, most likely going to have a lot of explaining to do on the way home tomorrow.
I let (well...made to be honest) my oldest watch the series. His general response was wtf? lol mom this is hilarious, but really, wtf?

He looked like his brains were boggled when he was watching it. I hope he'll get more out of the movie.

If not, I'll give him the precious book. :lloyd:
bad bad bad movie. should be a major winner at The Razzies. sorry i wasted my time.
I don't have to see it to know that it blows. A HGTTG movie without a two-headed Zaphod isn't worth the warm spittle being flung at the screen from my mouth.
unclehobart said:
I don't have to see it to know that it blows. A HGTTG movie without a two-headed Zaphod isn't worth the warm spittle being flung at the screen from my mouth.
He has two heads.
Just saw a feature on the film it looks pretty good. The cast are all accomlished actors and guess who's inside marvin? The dwarf dude from willow :D