Don't piss-off an IT admin


Well-Known Member
while you're logged onto his network.
You might find this next time you startup.
interactive logon denied by local policy

A customer of mine brought me his laptop yesterday evening.
He said he forgot his password. I reset it. That wasn't/isn't the problem though.
Apparently he logged on, on the network at his workplace, and the IT admin
saw him, and chenged his permissions while he was messing around.

I'm going thgough hell trying to fix it now.

doing some stuff like this...

It won't let me do anything through My network, not even "net use"
Now I've setup a smal fat partion to try to put "ntrights.exe" on there,
along with some other utilities.

what a PITA.
The person that was screwing around is the IT Admin.
I'd advise the customer to report the Admin heh heh.
but then again, he shouldn't have logged to the network from his computer :D

And you're right, never piss off an admin ;)
Who ever it was, did a real job on it.
It's blocked everything I can throw at it.
I'm trying a repair install now.
He my have to reload with the fatory disks, and then just copy his stuff back over.
He's a cheapskate, and doesn't want to pay much. I really don't know why
I mess with him.
catocom said:
Who ever it was, did a real job on it.
It's blocked everything I can throw at it.
I'm trying a repair install now.
He my have to reload with the fatory disks, and then just copy his stuff back over.
He's a cheapskate, and doesn't want to pay much. I really don't know why
I mess with him.

Tell him that fixing it will cost him X ammount, if he's willing to pay then you fix it otherwise he can keep his laptop the way it is ;)
I really though about that, but he was refereed to me by one of my 'good'
customers. I don't need him talking shit about me.
The comp isn't damaged, just locked. ;)

Shit wink, I've seen worse damage from people letting the AV not get updated.
catocom said:
I really though about that, but he was refereed to me by one of my 'good'
customers. I don't need him talking shit about me.

Now I understand why my repeat business isn't all that good. :lloyd:
What, that Admins are justified in damaging peoples comps?
Betcha a shiny new dime that it's not his computer.
It's not the admins comp....
It 'is' actually the personal comp of the guy that brought it to me.
chcr said:
Now I understand why my repeat business isn't all that good. :lloyd:

Betcha a shiny new dime that it's not his computer.

And I bet another that he should not have plugged that computer to the network. It's a simple game, if the user bitchs about it he probly gets fired. :D
Luis G said:
And I bet another that he should not have plugged that computer to the network. It's a simple game, if the user bitchs about it he probly gets fired. :D
He's a dumbass. He'll probably go right back and do it again.
He might not get it fixed by me next time. If he does, it won't be cheap that time.
LOL, now it's even blocked the repair install.
At this point it becomes a data recovery $100 minimum.
Unless he want to go kiss some IT-ass.
That's if I decide to tell him what caused it. I really don't think he has a clue.
wow, I just called the guy to give him the bad news.
I think he knows what the deal is. When I quote him the price, he didn't even
hesitate before saying go ahead. :lol2: