double standards for mods (not here)


New Member
well I've been on my normal evening trawl across the internet and as one site had managed to allow me access even though I am IP Blocked I thought I would join back in on the fun. Hence I reregistered and continued as normal.

Site visited was and I have altered thier logo to be more appropriate and have banned on it like this:


I was being all nice and then some posts were made which here not very nice and so I had a plunder through the good old terms and conditions and made some interesting discoveries and then more plundering through the archives on the site brought out more dirt so I made a lovely post on there about it.

As I feel the need to make trouble I'm gonna copy the post to here along with the end result.

here goes then:

originally posted by Spacey on on 21/08/03 at approx 2210 BST

From the site T&C's

Our Rights
You will acknowledge and accept that the website contains a large and varied amount of content. Members of and nthw.admin do not check content posted by you prior to it being placed on the website. We therefore reserve the right to remove or delete in part or in its entirety any content that you submit should it violate these terms and conditions, or any guidelines or announcements that may be available to view elsewhere on the website. We are neither liable nor responsible for the content that you submit. We will monitor such content as appropriate and act accordingly should any objectionable material be noticed.

Does this include removed posts?

If so should we be informed of why and who by if one should be removed?

You will acknowledge and accept that we have the right to temporarily or permanently remove your ability to post content, and that we further have the right to ban you from the website if you break any of the terms and conditions of, or any of the guidelines or announcements that may be available to view elsewhere.

Breaking the T&C's = suspension of posting abilities and or ban from site. Makes sense really.

You will acknowledge and accept that in certain circumstances we have the right to provide information to your ISP at our discretion following but not limited to severe disruption by you, the provision of illegal or abusive content, any attempts made by you to re-register after being banned, or for any other reason that involves you breaking the terms and conditions of the website.

Big problems = ISP involved. Fair enough.

You will acknowledge and accept that if you are banned from use of the website, you will not in any way attempt to re-register using any other name or identity not known to us, or any other email address not known to us.

Makes sense. Why would the site accept back someone who is banned from it if they appear under another name?

Here at we take your privacy and security seriously. We are therefore committed to safeguarding your privacy online. The following is applicable to any personal information given by you to us

Doesn't this then include the posting of peoples names in full?

I have been lurking for a while and I seem to recall one of the mods being upset about their full name being posted somewhere on here. In fact the best that I can find about this at the moment is here where the mods surname is starred out.

In this post by Casper he speaks of the legal rights to privacy. Is this not being denied to peterska2? (It is post #22 in case it doesn't link right)

I've also been doing a bit of a search as to what happened and while I have come to no conclusions whatsoever I have found this which seems to tie in to a lot of things that have recently been happening. (Post #24 just in case)

And here. From what I have observed it seems that info is getting out to third parties but also into the site from them too. (Post #34 BTW)

I don't know all the details of what happened and I don't want to start too much discussion about that but rather about the fact that there is double standards happening here.

Just look at this post (post #40) and this post (post #55) and you will see what I mean.

Doesn't every person have the right to privacy?

Shouldn't the mods be adhering to the site T&C's?

Since then this has happened almost instantly:


no explanation has been given apart from a notification of a post in that same thread by one of the admins but as they have also removed the thread it defeats the object and so they have not said anything to me about it.

Very two faced if you ask me.

Whaddaya all say about that then?
All I can say is that whoever runs and maintains the board, can do as they please whether they follow their Terms and Conditions or not. I've become nothing more than a lurker at a NIN forum that I used to post at everyday because of the way the admins and mods treat certain individuals on the forum. All I can say is don't take it personally. It's just a forum, not your day to day life. Sorry if that offended anyone, but that's my opinion.
Nihilistic said:
you must be bored

Why would you think that?

IT was maily copy and paste there too not me sat typing it all out.

Always save a copy of contraversial posts and threads is my motto
Yes you, by your attitude and constant flaunting of banned credits it would seem you get some pleasure out of being banned or being in trouble.....also why do you go around telling your name on the net.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Yes you, by your attitude and constant flaunting of banned credits it would seem you get some pleasure out of being banned or being in trouble.....also why do you go around telling your name on the net.

As to telling my name on the net. At one point I worked for ntl and did online help and support on the site Whilst there I had to use a user name which was my real name because the site is owned by ntl. set themselves up and got the lists of the full names of the online support crew from somehow and they have been causing trouble by posting peoples phone numbers and home addresses etc all over the net for everyone to see as well as their full names.

As to be getting pleasure out of being banned - well call me weird but I do. Same goes with being in trouble.

Now if I wanted to flaunt my banned credits I would do but I am saving those for another time as I want to get things organised first with them.
Well, I looked at some of the posts and concluded that, given how many references you made to issues involving that one particular member, anyone with any kind of a brain would be able to figure out that you were the same person posting under a different name. That's why your new name was suddenly banned. If you're going to circumvent a ban by posting under a different name, don't make it so obvious.
I'm not really bothered about the ban. Change my IP addy later and start again. I'm more interested in causing havoc over there than anything else and so I just post random thoughts. The best one was when I got banned for asking a question about a genuine problem with my ntl services.
CydCharisse said:
I dislike trolls :disgust2:

Why do you want to cause trouble over there?

now that is easy.

i've been accused of posting stuff from their admin forums all over the net for all to see. i haven't. i have got the stuff from thier admin panels coz they had a blonde moment and had set the permissions to be that banned mambers could access them to view only. of course they left the user name and password for the admin control panel in there so everyone could use it so of course i went in and had a mooch around. despite everything that they say i did not post it anywhere - yet but they have been threatening me with their legal dept etc and trying to get me done for their negligence. ever since this first came out there has been trouble between us. before that the only trouble i had on there was with a now ex-mod who was always provoking me and threatening to get me banned but hadn't got the guts to do it so i just kept winding him up.
no but as they refuse to speak to me about it to try and resolve the issue i thought that trolling them would be more fun.