Drone Wars


molṑn labé
Staff member
To eavesdrop on (a) terrorism suspect who was added to the target list, (this) American-born radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who is hiding in Yemen, intelligence agencies would have to get a court warrant. But designating him for death, as C.I.A. officials did early this year with the National Security Council’s approval, required no judicial review.

I agreed with giving the Paki-American his Miranda warning (though I'm not sure why we need it) because he was an American, caught on American soil.

The Obama administration’s decision to authorize the killing by the Central Intelligence Agency of a terrorism suspect who is an American citizen has set off a debate over the legal and political limits of drone missile strikes, a mainstay of the campaign against terrorism.

The notion that the government can, in effect, execute one of its own citizens far from a combat zone, with no judicial process and based on secret intelligence, makes some legal authorities deeply uneasy.

This, on the other hand, I'm having a hard time disliking. He is on foreign soil, plotting against the US & hanging out with our enemy.

Is he under the legal protection of the Constitution? Is this good policy?

We used to have a system that worked, until they quit enforcing it.

The word used to be "treason", and there were a couple of ways to handle
it, without suspension of 'rights'.

"There's nothing new under the sun"
Some want you to think so though.
We used to have a system that worked, until they quit enforcing it.

The word used to be "treason", and there were a couple of ways to handle
it, without suspension of 'rights'.

"There's nothing new under the sun"
Some want you to think so though.
The question is, was he convicted of treason?

If yes, then ... drag him in for sentencing.

If no, and he has actively sided with the enemy and attacked the US and/or US Military during war, then drone attacks are a part of the war tactics we have employed and I see nothing wrong with this.
They don't use the word treason anymore, yet.
The have been kicking around the word sedition, on people that decent with speech,
but not about the Real terrorists.
Treason is used, as a crime. However, under our particular system, it is damn near impossible to prove (see Art 3 Sec 3) and with the First Amendment, it should be damn near impossible to prove. It is a very serious charge.
They don't use the word treason anymore, yet.
The have been kicking around the word sedition, on people that decent with speech,
but not about the Real terrorists.
I'm trying to find an example of what you're talking about (re: sedition). Are you referring to the folks who protested at the Republican National Convention in NYC?
I'm trying to find an example of what you're talking about (re: sedition). Are you referring to the folks who protested at the Republican National Convention in NYC?

I'll try to find a link or 2 in a bit, if you don't first...

The first e.g. that comes to mind are some accusations against Glenn Beck.
Then there the Hutaree militia thing...
Nancy Pelosi Almost said it about the teapartiers, but caught herself in the public meet.
There may be something on the net in that area though.
Like I said though...I'll do some footwork on it here in a bit.
War is heck

sedtion ain't got nuthin' to do with this
wannba jihadi we smoked in the desert

he dead

nuff said

I'll try to find a link or 2 in a bit, if you don't first...

The first e.g. that comes to mind are some accusations against Glenn Beck.
Then there the Hutaree militia thing...
Nancy Pelosi Almost said it about the teapartiers, but caught herself in the public meet.
There may be something on the net in that area though.
Like I said though...I'll do some footwork on it here in a bit.
"Almost said it" ... :/
Either someone said it or they didn't. How does one "almost say" something and then be accountable for "almost saying" something?
hard to explain, but you'll know it when you see it.
Sometimes they actually spout the first couple of letters.
I'll digress on that one, and retract.
She's got enough else on the record to rag on, without that little noise.