Dude I thought forums died years ago?


New Member
Ok seriously I thought forums died years ago. But here I am bored of the same old blog reading. Trying my darndist to find something to read. Someone shoot me with a six shooter.
*Tries to figures out what exactly Cowboy is on about*
*Quits when she realises she's referring to herself in the third person again*
*Freaks out*

Erm, yeah hi. What's a six shooter?

*Now, on top of realising she is incapable of not referring to herself in the third person AT realises she is sadly lacking in knowledge of guns*
*For the first time ever AT admits AnomolousEntity may have been good for something after all*
*BoP wonders if this is her cue to say something clever in third-person but realises that:

  • she's not that clever
  • she's just here for the pants
*PCB wonders why everyone is suddenly on the bandwagon of referring to themselves in the third person... until he realizes that he's doing it too.*

And it's not even funny that I did it. :crying4:
Cowboy said:
Ok seriously I thought forums died years ago.
Some did. It depends on who the members happen to be it seems.
The "hoppers" keep the good ones goin'. :swing:
*Aunty Em jumps on the bandwagon and it collapses under the weight of so many bodies...

*She also wonders who Cowboy is and where he/she has been hiding and for how long...
*AT moves up a bit to make more space on the bandwagon*

*AT wonders whay Catocom prefers to run next to the wagon, rather than jump on*
Cowboy said:
Ok seriously I thought forums died years ago. But here I am bored of the same old blog reading. Trying my darndist to find something to read. Someone shoot me with a six shooter.

Even newsgroups are still alive :p

Welcome to OTC.
Until he tells us who he was at JJR, I'm just going to keep calling him Jeremy. It's as good a name as any. Or I could call him Bob. Or Waldo.
*woodman looks around, sees a pile of people on a bandwagon, and proceeds to toss himself on top of the pile as well, disregarding AT's cry for mercy at the bottom*