Dude, you're killing a Dell!


Staff member
George Doughty's computer will never crash again. It will never run again, either.

Doughty was jailed Sunday on suspicion of shooting his Dell computer four times with a revolver earlier that day in the middle of the Sportsman's Inn Bar and Restaurant.

He then allegedly hung the destroyed laptop on the wall "like a hunting trophy," said Lt. Rick Bashor with the Lafayette Police Department.

A little harsh, don't you think?

Some of the commentary here is even funnier than the story itself. Go check it out.
5.76 second page generation time on the redirection page :eek:

[Server Load: 8.76 » 3.66 : 2.67]
At least he didn't chuck it out a window, like on of my clients did recently. Fortunately, it was plugged in and connected to the network. The cables saved it a plunge, but pulled the connectors off the motherboard. It's fixed now, and in the hands of someone who loves it more.
One of my users threatened to run his over with an oil truck. Turns out, all of the "problems" he had with it were his own fault and impatience.
Usually is. When I find Napster on a machine, I call the boss and require a signature to reformat. I 'm refusing to work on any machine running that trash.
Not 5 minutes ago, a user called up to report an email from Network Associates that says there was a message sent by him that was caught by some content filter. The Help Desk shadowed his screen and then put them on hold to ask my advice. As we watched, the user went into his deleted items folder and emptied it. When we went back on the phone with him, he said, "I didn't empty it." :tardbang:

This is the same guy who had his default printer changed by accident to our laserjet printer and we took off about 35 pages of emails that had 'questionable content' in them. Don't these idiots know that every email is monitored?! Freakin morons.