Early...and Done


molṑn labé
Staff member
It's not the 24th & I'm finished X-mas shopping. Hour & a half, two kids in tow & a trip to the mall no less. I'd like to thank all your early birds for being done & outta my way today.
I think I'm about as done as I'll get. I'm not sure. But I do have to fight my way to the grocery store this afternoon. Which freaks me out. Talk about needing some anxiety pills or a stiff drink (or four) when I get home!
aaw rosie....i got good and stoned before i went... :)
that's one of the reasons i was there for 3 hours.....
i had the last half of this morning's breakfast smoke with me - but took care of it at lunch. I hate to go all the way home to smoke and then come back to town to shop, though I might just do it. Or suck it up and have the hubby waiting for me at home with a lit treat. :D
So, just curious. What is the ettiquite as far as buying a soon to be ex a christmas gift? Do you? Do you expect one?
Damn straight, Tonks. ;) Besides, he'll know how grumpy I'll be. Not to mention he called in sick today and has been out running about, so he better treat me nice tonight.

Besides, it's me that's doing most all the cooking for Christmas and it's HIS family that's coming over. Yeah, he'd better be nice.

AB - good luck. *hugs* I don't envy you.

I was told this morning that the office was working Christmas Eve, which sucks ass. Why do we need to be here? It doesn't make sense. But then Cleve (the boss) came in and said we don't need to be here tomorrow. Wheeee!

I'm pulling the Friday-after-Christmas shift for everyone else, but I'll get the Friday-after-New Year's off and since that's close to my birthday, it works beter anyway. :D
PuterTutor said:
So, just curious. What is the ettiquite as far as buying a soon to be ex a christmas gift? Do you? Do you expect one?
we haven't told his family because he didn't want to ruin christmas...we are still supposedly friendly...but we just decided that knowing our limited budget, we'd just pick our own gifts :D at least we know we'll enjoy our presents if not our company.....
tonks said:
but we just decided that knowing our limited budget, we'd just pick our own gifts :D at least we know we'll enjoy our presents if not our company.....

Ha! That's the same thing my wife and I decided. Wait a minute.... :eh:
PuterTutor said:
So, just curious. What is the ettiquite as far as buying a soon to be ex a christmas gift? Do you? Do you expect one?

I'm not sure who exactly you're asking, but I'll bite.

In my case, dustin's present is really Lucy the puppy (see avatar) :D
But he mentioned wanting a dustbuster so I got him a Dust Buster/Scum Buster combo from walmart. It's not a great gift, but he wanted one and can use it. I believe in practical gifts.

I also got each of the boys a remote control car from Quick Trip just so they could have something 'fun'. This means the hubby, roommie, and roommie's brother. :D

As for expecting anything ... I really didn't. Er, don't. I'm not sure. My friend George got me a heater for my office for Christmas. Apparently this ruined the hubby's gift, as I later found out. So I'm not sure what's going on there, but I really don't expect anything.
tonks said:
we haven't told his family because he didn't want to ruin christmas...we are still supposedly friendly...but we just decided that knowing our limited budget, we'd just pick our own gifts :D at least we know we'll enjoy our presents if not our company.....

*ha ha* We haven't told 'his' family, either.
Big. Really really big. But I found a few new sites, and Kazaa has plenty of movies out there yet, so we'll see.