

Too cute for words
Hey, there was an earthquake in Ft. Payne last night. They say you could feel it here, but it didn't wake me up. :D
I'll be honest - I slept through it. The wife said she felt it a little though, and my mother up in Blue Ridge got more than a little freaked out.
4.9 is not a quake. It's thinking about becoming one but hasn't grown up yet :D
Considering that 5 is the threashold of a real quake ... and that we just don't get them around here ... 4.9 is a quake.
Or maybe just a qua......a semi quake....quasiquake....the Pepsi One of quakes...

OK, I'll stop.
unclehobart said:
we just don't get them around here ... 4.9 is a quake.

I bet the people at the epicenter had a broken dish ;)

5.5 is where they start getting into real damage territory.
Earthquakes.........bah, i don't feel them anymore unless they are big ones.