Eco-terrorists vs radioactive site cleanup


molṑn labé
Staff member
Here's a conundrum

Conan the Bacterium with all it's positive aspects or potentially releasing a world destroying new superspecies.

WASHINGTON - Scientists are working to perfect a "superbug" that they think can help clean up toxic wastes at thousands of radioactive nuclear sites around the world.

The mighty microbe -- nicknamed "Conan the Bacterium" -- combines the genes of two bacteria to perform a job neither could do on its own.

The composite creature "can live quite happily in an environment with 1 million times the radiation a human cell could tolerate," Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said this month.

Conan works because the radiation-resistant bacterium (Deinococcus radiodurans) shelters the microbe from lethal rays, while its partner (Pseudomonas putida) uses its native ability to render poisons in soil or water harmless.

For example, Conan can break down the chemical structure of toluene -- an ingredient in explosives such as TNT -- and leave only carbon dioxide and water.

"You can't get less toxic than that," Daly said.

Conan also works on mercury, dangerous pesticides such as chlorobenzene, and PCBs, which are carcinogenic compounds formerly used in manufacturing.

Although Conan's technology has been proved in the laboratory, field tests so far have been blocked by objections from environmentalists, who fear that genetic engineering may have harmful consequences.

Gonz..Do you remember when they touted cable television as "Commercial free TV"? Just what do you intend to do with these organisms should they themselves ever become a toxicity problem...or worse?
Look how I introduced the topic
Here's a conundrum...

If I were in charge, I'd find a desolate island that's been destroyed by our bombs already & test. If there is a problem, it can still be contained, if not, good for the scientists.

The potential is amazing.
I'm not sure there's an island desolate enough. What about birds? Insects? What about the water surrounding the island? Could you construct a dome and barrier around this island that would completely contain it?
Unfortunately, there has to be some life (birds, insects) to test the validity of the non-toxic process. They can already test water problems in the lab...there would be some risk, always is.
I understand that. However, you'd have to somehow keep the infected birds, insects, sea life, etc. from traveling outside the test area, no?