Economics 101


molṑn labé
Staff member
Take a company. Give it a bazillion public dollars, so that it doesn't fail. Then, once it's gaining its feet, pull the rug on the earnings of the top executives.

What happens next?

A)The execs apologize for their failings & commit hari-kari?

B)The execs, in recognition of their failing, allow themselves to be enslaved?

C)The execs bail, like roaches in the kitchen at midnight, getting jobs that pay them for theitr services?

You now own worthless junk
D) Unionize!

Execs can't unionize when they're overpaid with cuts
Who cares about the people who make a bunch of money and hire people.

It not about exec's, they already have money. Its about the people who want the money. Unions provide unsustainable business models that provide for the disenfranchised.
Gather all your cash...they'll be a great auction at AIG, BofA & Citibank anyday now. Perhaps they'll throw Dodge in, as a bonus.
F) They continue to work for a lower but still very high salary

G) Someone more competent takes the job (after all some of these execs had a hand in fucking up their company)
Certainly they should be retained to keep on keepin’ on.
If the business didn’t need a bailout, then where would we be?
The One deciding how things are to be run is all American!