Eddie Guerrero...

Well that's gonna fuck up someone's day. I can hear the WWE paper shredder going into overdrive as they scramble to pick up those pieces. They were selling him overtime.

I see by their website, they haven't lost any time.

customary regards to his survivors.
I loved him when I watched wrestling. Still dip in now and again, he was still the man.

It was always on the cards, though. Wrestlers have been dropping like flies lately and Eddie's problems have been well documented.
I just heard about this.
Man, it seemed he just got his shit together too.
Musta been an od or something. I thought he cleaned up.
Coulda just been an aneurysm though. You could tell he started on the steroids.
38 man that seems young now that I'm older than that now.
I couldn't believe it when I heard it. I caught RAW last night and the whole tribute they did for him. It was moving to see some of the wrestlers.
Yeah I guess Cat called it:

Eddie Guerrero Autopsy Results - Massive Heart Failure

By Ryan Clark, WrestlingInc.com Staff

WWE.com posted the following:

After the untimely passing of Eddie Guerrero, WWE and the entire sports-entertainment community is steel reeling from the devastating loss of a champion. The initial autopsy reports on Guerrero have come in. WWE.com spoke with Eddie's widow, Vickie Guerrero, earlier today.

It was heart failure. It was from his past drinking and the drug abuse. They found signs of heart disease. She (the examiner) said that the blood vessels were very worn and narrow, and that just showed all the abuse from the scheduling of work and his past. And Eddie just worked out like crazy all the time. It made his heart grow bigger and work harder and the vessels were getting smaller, and that's what caused the heart failure. He went into a deep sleep.

As soon as they saw his heart, they saw the lining of his heart already had the heart disease. There was no trauma, and Eddie hadn't hurt himself in any way. It answered a lot of questions. I knew Eddie wasn't feeling very good for the last week. He was home and kept saying he wasn't feeling good and we thought it was just road tiredness. So we thought he just had to rest. It answered a lot of my questions, too, because he was just so exhausted. She said it was normal because the heart was working so hard.
When he didn't call me last night and the night before I knew it was for real, because he would call me every night. I miss his phone calls. I cried through the whole thing (last night).

I loved his laugh. His laugh was the best.

We just celebrated his fourth ofyear sobriety last Thursday. We just thought we had life by the handful. We thought we had it all figured out. He worked so hard to make a better life for us.

I'm just overwhelmed by how people are coming out. It's touched my heart a lot.

Everybody was just in awe last night in how beautifully everything was put together.

All my life was wrestling. All he did was take care of them and live for that. And I don't know what to do now.