Educating illegals


molṑn labé
Staff member
I have Mexican heritage on my fathers side. So Mexican, in fact, the USA came to us in 1912. My grandfather, along with his wife, son & daughter, rode the rails together in the desert southwest, as part of his job. My grandmother was a LPN & was assigned to take care of 2 of Arizona's govenors. They also despised illegals. They saw the moral issue as well as the cultural & legal sides.

What happened to people like them? Common sense? Why is our government so afraid of illegal aliens (mostly, by far, hispanics from Mexico & south) that we tolerate them, much less, as of late, educate, give non-emergency medical care and in some cases, encourage their law breaking? The fed wants AZ to put watering stations in the desert to assist them. Now, with our 3rd largest & most populous state in the middle of a fiscal crisis, they want to help them even more? What happened to living within the law?

According to the FAIR report, California spends the most – $2.2 billion – to educate illegal immigrant children. Ranking second and third, respectively, are Texas and New York.

The report also says there are efforts underway in several states and Congress to allow illegal aliens to pay deeply discounted, in-state tuition rates at public colleges and universities – rates not available to American citizens from out of state.

Gonz said:
I have Mexican heritage on my fathers side. So Mexican, in fact, the USA came to us in 1912. My grandfather, along with his wife, son & daughter, rode the rails together in the desert southwest, as part of his job. My grandmother was a LPN & was assigned to take care of 2 of Arizona's govenors. They also despised illegals. They saw the moral issue as well as the cultural & legal sides.

What happened to people like them? Common sense? Why is our government so afraid of illegal aliens (mostly, by far, hispanics from Mexico & south) that we tolerate them, much less, as of late, educate, give non-emergency medical care and in some cases, encourage their law breaking? The fed wants AZ to put watering stations in the desert to assist them. Now, with our 3rd largest & most populous state in the middle of a fiscal crisis, they want to help them even more? What happened to living within the law?


Its the socially liberals solution to try and stall the alarming trend of undereducation and crime in these populations. Educate them and you create productive citizens instead of criminals and welfare bound unskilled labors.

However, it doesnt work anymore than welfare allowed the under privledge white and black americans an opportunity to get an education, better jobs, and second chances. In stead they sit on their asses all day watching the cars go by and thinking "I wonder where all those people go in the mornings and again in the evenings"??

Just like most socially liberal programs, its money going into a black hole that will act as a pyshcological "enabler" to foster the tend towards complete dependency on government hand outs for substinence. In short, just the opposite of what the designers hoped for...

The road to hell is paved with what again????
it is the same here. imigrants come in and get all the houses and the full benifits and us that have lived here all our lives and paid our taxes cant get nothing
peterska2 said:
it is the same here. imigrants come in and get all the houses and the full benifits and us that have lived here all our lives and paid our taxes cant get nothing

Ha! I so know what you mean.
There's this lady we know. She's from mexico. Not once, not once in her eehhh over what 40 or 50 years of living here, has she worked in her life, yet she's getting all the moolah from the government. What pisses me off even more is that she's a jehovas witness (and not bashing on her religion choices/beliefs), and she's always complaining about the gov., and that jehovas don't have to do anything for the gov and so on. *snark* Yeah but how easily she accepts and rakes in the money from them right? Not to mention she is so lying to the gov stating that she has no money and all this stuff, when her hubby owns a business, so she gets about a 1,000 buck check per month and medicaide and all that, and while her hubby is raking in the dough.
Grr. I despise people like that. I mean, sure I'm all for the government helping people, and illegal immigrants, but that does't make it ok for them to take advantage of it. I'm hispanic, born and raised in Texas, but it's people like them that give the rest of us a bad name.

There's this other lady we know. She's used to literally pop out a kid literally every year. She has like uhhhh 7 of them now. She's never worked a day in her life either, and her hubby is an illegal immigrant. He works for some construction company and makes good money every week. About more than a grand a week. Yet she goes down to WiC and all that and gets foodstamps and all the benifits for her and all her damn brats. Not to mention all the food they give her, she ends up throwing away in the garbage. That so pisses me off, there are other kids out there who need food and here she is just literally pouring it down the drain. I so despise her! When I used to go to elementary school, she would blatantly go down to the school office and tell the principal that she didn't have any money to be buying all her kids school supplies every year (which was a total lie). Well shit biotch, no one told you to pop out so many basturds. So the principal would tell her no problem. Her eldest daughter was in almost all of my classes until halfway through middle school. So what the classes would do is, at the beginning of the year is pool our supplies together and she could go pick out what she wanted. I mean.....god that got on my nerves! I know sharing is caring and all that shiz, but come the fsck on! Her mom so had the money to buy her kids stuff....what a kunt. Blah.

As for educating illegals, sure I'm all for it. Why not? Might as well give them an education so they won't have to spend their lives in crumby jobs that they might end up with for the rest of their lives. It makes me sad to see some of them that are so bright, yet they have to be stuck working in construction work for a long time, just because they're illegal. Hell some of them deserve a break, some of them actually work harder than people who are born and raised here. That's kind of sad to see you know? That people like that could risk their lives just to get over here to have a chance at making a good life here, and the people who have lived here all their life, take this country for granted and don't appreciate what they've got, and that they mooch about, and here some illegal immigrants bust their ass off 100 times more to work in a crummy job, as opposed to people who live here and have good jobs and don't appreciate them.

My stepdad was an illegal immigrant, he came over about uhhhh *gives long whistle* 30 some odd years ago? All his life that he's lived here in the states he has worked in construction and jobs like that. And it made me kind of sad that he couldn't have a better job because he was an illegal immigrant. He barely got his citizenship about uhhh 8 years ago or so. He will be 69 on November 8th. And I'm totally proud of him. He's always been a hard worker and never given up. Despite where he came from or what he did, or what he had to endure.

[rant ended]
Anywho, if any of this comes out messed up, sorry it's like 1 am here, and I'm kinda out of it. Didn't mean to offend any one in any way. :)
Hey Roxy, go ahead, don't be shy. Tell us how you REALLY feel....

Oh, and you can say Fuck, Shit, Cunt, DickLicker, Cum-Guzzler, or just about any other name you can dream up too. :D
peterska2 said:
it is the same here. imigrants come in and get all the houses and the full benifits and us that have lived here all our lives and paid our taxes cant get nothing

So true.. my Uncle runs a real estate agency that houses refugees, they get free vouchers.. free cleaning.. free rooms.. free everything and still leave the places like they was living in the bush. They work illegaly, pay no taxes,make high demands, drive BMWs and generally live off the fat, free education too.. wtf most of em are 30+ and still fool social services that they're 15 :eek: miserable and now they're taking over the entire place and still cussin England whenever they got the chance.