Since I've been so busy at work I've not had time to keep up my arguments here as well as I'd like. WMDs-found or not? Bush-liar or misinformed? On & on it could go. While most of those debates are already raging, well, mildly smoldering is more accurate, there seems to have been a complete & utter disregard for the effects this war, good or bad, has had since it's official end.
Iran is on the verge of revolt. This was anticipated but it seems to be gathering steam faster than expected. I'd bet less than 6 months.
Syria is kissing up. They no longer want to be the outcasts of the middle east.
Saudi Arabia has cut off something like $100,000,000. that goes to terrorist organizations like Hamas. While I have serious reservations about this, it may be a start.
The PA/Hamas/Islamic Jihad have come to the table with Israel & are (well, mostly) cooperating in the cease fire. On the other side, Israel has slowed it's pursuit of these groups & has slightly softened it's stance. A beginning.
A not published poll by CBSNews apparently shows that 66% of polled Iraqis are glad we're there. I haven't seen it so it's hearsay. From what I have seen & heard it sounds much closer to the truth than the daily we're hated & should go home reports we are getting (A reporter today LEAD her story with, "No Americans were killed today...")
[edited to add]
N Korea is coming around.
The end may prove to justify the means.
Iran is on the verge of revolt. This was anticipated but it seems to be gathering steam faster than expected. I'd bet less than 6 months.
Syria is kissing up. They no longer want to be the outcasts of the middle east.
Saudi Arabia has cut off something like $100,000,000. that goes to terrorist organizations like Hamas. While I have serious reservations about this, it may be a start.
The PA/Hamas/Islamic Jihad have come to the table with Israel & are (well, mostly) cooperating in the cease fire. On the other side, Israel has slowed it's pursuit of these groups & has slightly softened it's stance. A beginning.
A not published poll by CBSNews apparently shows that 66% of polled Iraqis are glad we're there. I haven't seen it so it's hearsay. From what I have seen & heard it sounds much closer to the truth than the daily we're hated & should go home reports we are getting (A reporter today LEAD her story with, "No Americans were killed today...")
[edited to add]
N Korea is coming around.
The end may prove to justify the means.