effing eff and eff every effing thing int the effing...


Too cute for words
Well, Dara tossed a rod in the 4runner Monday. Took a big divot out of the main cap on it's way out the oil pan. I'm trying to convince her that fixing it (again) is throwing good money after bad. We can't afford a new car, not even a good used one so I'm looking for another deal like the Contour. We keep arguing about how much it will cost. She's worried about not being able to buy Christmas presents for people who are half a world or more away. IMO, cancel christmas, you need a car. Of course, right now she's driving mine and I'm driving a twenty year old TransAm that the wheels could fall off of at any moment. It cost twenty bucks to top off the tank Monday and it's almost down to a quarter tank already.
I'm sorry to hear that, Chic. Hope that somehow everything works out....Have you ever looked at ebay motors? Maybe that could offer something a bit more affordable (and more fuel efficient).
tonksy said:
I'm sorry to hear that, Chic. Hope that somehow everything works out....Have you ever looked at ebay motors? Maybe that could offer something a bit more affordable (and more fuel efficient).
Heh. That's where I bought the one she's driving now (my car).
to use technical legal jargon, that sucks dude.

i'd check a few shade tree mechanics or even junkyards. an engine is cheaper than a car. maybe a jasper brand rebuilt even. this might be one time to go no-name just to hippy rig something long enough to sell it.
SouthernN'Proud said:
to use technical legal jargon, that sucks dude.

i'd check a few shade tree mechanics or even junkyards. an engine is cheaper than a car. maybe a jasper brand rebuilt even. this might be one time to go no-name just to hippy rig something long enough to sell it.

SnP is right, a rebuilt engine might be the cheapest out if the rest of the vehicle is in servicable condition. There's gotta be ten million Toyota engines pulled from wrecked vehicles out there.

Good luck, whichever direction you choose.
Inkara1 said:
Convince her to drive to town in a rickshaw! :D

How did she throw the rod in the first place? Especially on a Toyota engine...those things are damned-near bullet-proof!
Gato_Solo said:
How did she throw the rod in the first place? Especially on a Toyota engine...those things are damned-near bullet-proof!

Really? This is the second engine in this car, and I had a Corolla once that spun a bearing at 112,000. :shrug:

Actually, the 3VZE is known for having oiling problems as the miles get up. As far as I've ever been able to tell, all that reputation for reliability is based on the 18RC-20R-22RE engine family wich are in fact mostly bullet proof.
SouthernN'Proud said:
to use technical legal jargon, that sucks dude.

i'd check a few shade tree mechanics or even junkyards. an engine is cheaper than a car. maybe a jasper brand rebuilt even. this might be one time to go no-name just to hippy rig something long enough to sell it.

I am a shadetree mechanic. Cheapest used engine I could find (with reasonable mileage) is $2200 bucks, a long block is $1700. Minimum 5-6 weekends to get the job done and that still doesn't address the transmission problems, front end problems, etc. that a 170,000 mile car that she won't spend a lot of money keeping up has (I wouldn't even drive it but she insisted it was fine). Besides, it hasn't been in 4-wheel in two or three years and I'll bet we can do a bit better than 17 mpg. She needs a sedan, not an SUV. It'll be listed on e-bay before long if anyone is interested.
chcr said:
As far as I've ever been able to tell, all that reputation for reliability is based on the 18RC-20R-22RE engine family wich are in fact mostly bullet proof.

Them 20R motors wouldn't blink if you dropped a hand grenade in 'em. I put 272,000 on one, and a lot of that being pizza delivery miles. Ever since Toyota and GM merged their engine building facilities, Toyota went on the official SnP Hell No I Won't list with the rest of GM's junk.