eggnog virgin


New Member
I posted this in the shoutbox, but then it occurred to me that I hardly ever read down there, so some of you might miss the general call for help. Anyway... I bought some eggnog ingredients last weekend cos I decided on a whim to make it (never had it). I got the usual shit like cream, sugar, eggs, etc. I have nutmeg that I can grind. And I got bacardi and brandy. Any tips from 'nog makers? Or any other special ingredients I should know about?
Bacardi? What kinda sissified shit is that? You need BOURBON!!! Or Captain Morgan if you must have rum.
Okay...just saying :shrug:

That recipe looks quite good. You could add a bit of ground cinnamon too...if you like that. Just remember that there should be a very thick frothy layer at the top of the nog when you are done. You don't get this with the crap in the carton and IMHO those folks are missing out.
The only shit I can drink without going to the A&E. Me and rum are NOT friends.

Arrrhhh. It only be liquified sugar after all, me girl. Arrrhhh.

Note that I am not a nog fan. Dara likes it fine. The result of drinking far too much is generally more colorful and easier to see at night than most...
I don't think we even have instant-just-add-x carton eggnog. It's not really a thing over here. Cinnamon, eh? What about vanilla pods?
I would think that you would be fine as long as you made it the day of the event. When Slim's aunts make it for Christmas day i am 99% sure they make it in the morning...and start drinking it immediately. But it will keep...not that it lasts long.