Egypt's al azhar calls for jihad against u.s.


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CAIRO [MENL] -- The most prominent Sunni Muslim seminary, sponsored by the Egyptian government, has called for holy war against the United States and its allies.

The Cairo-based Al Azhar seminary issued a ruling on Monday that called on Muslims to wage a "jihad," or holy war against the United States and allied forces that participate in the war against Iraq. The seminary said all Muslims are required by their religion to join the jihad once the United States attacks Baghdad. The communique referred to the United States as the crusader.

"The jihad against the crusader forces is a commandment on all Muslims should the foreign forces begin hostilities," Al Azhar's Supreme Council said in the ruling.

The communique was the most explicit call by Al Azhar for Muslims to attack U.S. interests throughout the Middle East. For months, Al Azhar and its spiritual leader, Mohammed Sid Tantawi, had remained silent on the issue of a Muslim response to a U.S. war against Iraq.
N Korea-check,
Sunnites-Hey, who forgot to add Sunnites to the Axis list?
as many as you an fit

Main Entry: ax·is
Pronunciation: 'ak-s&s
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ax·es /-"sEz/
Etymology: Latin, axis, axle; akin to Old English eax axis, axle, Greek axOn, Lithuanian asis, Sanskrit aksa
Date: 14th century
1 a : a straight line about which a body or a geometric figure rotates or may be supposed to rotate b : a straight line with respect to which a body or figure is symmetrical -- called also axis of symmetry c : a straight line that bisects at right angles a system of parallel chords of a curve and divides the curve into two symmetrical parts d : one of the reference lines of a coordinate system
2 a : the second vertebra of the neck on which the head and first vertebra turn as on a pivot b : any of various central, fundamental, or axial parts
3 : a plant stem
4 : one of several imaginary lines assumed in describing the positions of the planes by which a crystal is bounded and the positions of atoms in the structure of the crystal
5 : a main line of direction, motion, growth, or extension
6 a : an implied line in painting or sculpture through a composition to which elements in the composition are referred b : a line actually drawn and used as the basis of measurements in an architectural or other working drawing
7 : any of three fixed lines of reference in an aircraft that run in the longitudinal, lateral, and vertical directions, are mutually perpendicular, and usually pass through the aircraft's center of gravity