End Game


molṑn labé
Staff member
The Btits & Aussies are in downtown Basrah. Most other towns are friendly or on the verge of capture. Relief is poised to begin a steady flow into the country. The airport, while not completely safe, is under US control. Our tanks took a lesurely (ok, that is an overstatement) drive thru downtown Baghdad yestersay because, as one General put it, We wanted to show that we can roll through thier defense, even in broad daylight. It's a long way from over.

The big question is, When can the Coalition Declare VICTORY?

When we see saddams head on a platter?

When we control Baghdad?


What would be your finish line?

* We never saw Hitlers head. Isn't control an illusion, especially in a huge city surrounded by terrorist states.
Do you guys think he's in that hotel in Syria? Surely we're watching that place pretty closely.
We can't declare victory until the top several layers of the ruling cronies are axed an accounted for.... and the general army stepping away from the remaining T-55s would be nice as well.