Energy Secretary Chu testifys before House Committee


Well-Known Member
This video is worth the 1:28 of your time. This guy was dancing throughout.

This is the guy who, in 2008, stated that he wanted gas prices in the United States to reach European levels. That would be $8 / gal. That would likely take a gallon of milk to $4.50 - $5.00 / gal.

Here is the article in the Wall Street Journal at the time:

"Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe," Mr. Chu, who directs the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal in September.

He has lead the charge against coal and any other energy derived from anything but "green" sources. He is a "green" zealot. He is too busy trying to figure out how to capture and bury carbon dioxide which is likely the worst idea to come out of Congress in the last forty years.

The Congressmen asked him many excellent questions and held him to answer.

Rep. Rogers cited numbers which were in direct contradiction to his testimony. He also brought it to Chu's attention that the technology that has been mandated against coal fired power plants does not even exist so they will have to shut down completely.

Here is the C-Span address:
The last available gasoline prices as of 10/03/2011

Belgium: $7.03
France: $6.65
Germany: $6.91
Italy: $7.39
Netherlands: $6.69
UK: $8.11
US: $3.75