

New Member
So, my dad had a mild heart attack last night. He's had high blood pressure for a while, and he's medicated but he doesn't watch what he eats. Lately he's been having troubles with my mom and the new baby my stepmother is having, and remodeling the bathroom, and I think the stress seriously got to him.

Right now he's in ICU and they're checking his enzymes and all that, and they're keeping him overnight. Hopefully now he'll realize that he can't take this lightly.
:sadhug: Hope all is well and we'll understand if you take soem time off OTC,but its also good to know there are people willing to listen and we''l be here when you need us.
Has he ever had a heart attack or sign of anginas prior to this? I have high blood pressure as well. Laying off the salt and upping the exercise a bit helps immensely.
He had massive headaches a few times beforehand, but he did go back to the doctor about those. I don't know if he's had one in a while though. As far as I know those were the only noticeable health problems he had associated with HPB.

He lays off the sugar, uses salt free popcorn and stopped eating chips and other salty things but sometimes he doesn't pay so much attention to what he eats especially when he goes out.
Wow! All the best to your dad and all for a quick recovery. I'm sure he'll come out of this with no problem. Hugs go out to you and everyone else in your family. My prayers will be with you as well.
Sorry to hear that fleur. My dad had a heart attack when he was 42, but he's changed his diet since then, which helps a lot. Hope your dad will take this as a sign, and start taking better care of his body.
FluerVanderloo, I am very sorry to hear this. I understand how difficult it can be when someone that close to you is sick.

All the best.
Well, I went to visit him, and he seems to be doing alright. They have him on a blood thinner, and they're constanly monitoring his blood pressure and such. My stepmother told me it goes up when he sits and talks a while, so I didn't stay long, and I'm thinking maybe that's not a good sign. If sitting up makes his blood pressure go up, what about when he stands and walks around?

It was just a weird feeling, seeing my dad laying in a hospital bed. He was a complete 180 of his normal self, but the way things are looking he'll be out of there fine.