

Hmm, have you ever erm, kind of er... fantasized about your own eulogy? What kind of people would be there? What they would say?

I like pretending that I'm "dead" and then thinking who will be at my burial (provided there is one and that I'm not like, tied up and thrown in the sea or something), why they are there, and what they are thinking. Something like,

brother... yeah, he is there because I think he liked me. In general. I guess he is sad.

Dan.. hmm, I suspect he is there only because he has to be there. And I suspect he can't wait to get to the refreshments. That 300 pound hippopotamus will eat anything.

Shawn.. Hmm.. that guy is weird. I wish he'd stop throwing those black flowers in my grave, it gives me the creeps.

Jes.. She is cute alright. Pity she wasn't interested in me. I should have asked her. She looks sad alright. Maybe she liked me.

Jon.. I really should have beat the crap out of him last time I saw him. What the hell is he doing here anyways?

Hmm, my funeral.

Janitor: Ugh, for such an ugly guy, I'm not surprised nobody showed up. Not even the priest. Welp, off ya go. *shuts coffin closed and moves to trash bin with all the other rejects*
Who is this our? I see hmm, one, two, or three people that wants to know every bitty and gritty detail of my history to analyze and then tell me what THEIR opinion is regarding who I AM. Do you always to that to other people? What, if I don't make your list of "haves" and "have nots" then you will make a ruling that I'm to be considered "this" and "that?"

If you really wanted to know you'd have sent me a private message by now, but all I see is you keep dragging everything into the public so you can satisfy your little vendetta against how I define myself.

:rolleyes: Now please, stop derailing all the threads I start with your "answer us or I won't respond to you" type of crap.

Oh and, should anyone really want to know, you're welcome to PM me. :)

Pretty funny how you react when the chips come down. We all know why you won't answer on the board. And don't waste your time telling me what to do little man. Not gonna happen.
Jeslek said:
Who is this our?

everyone whos wondering and have asked what you are.

my eulogy

he was a grotesque looking guy but tried to be a good person so he wouldnt be alone. he cared about all his friends and family always supported them.(whoever gives it id want all my friends and family there)

Request: Reduce my remains to ashes, an' put up a pic. above the urn, if it seems appropriate.

Eulogy: Truth spoken............always.

For better or for worse, the truth gives the best platform for healin' an' movin' on, for the ones left behind, no?:)
No. Who wants to hear truth when it's better to remember the dead with remembering happy stuff-even if you have to make it up ;)
Gonz said:
No. Who wants to hear truth when it's better to remember the dead with remembering happy stuff-even if you have to make it up ;)

Ya make a good point Gonz, but "happy-stuff" lacks the ability to provide survivors with legitimate cause to accept the truth, (IMHO)

Sorta delays the "reality-check" that puts all in its proper perspective, don't ya think?

Hopefully though, it motivates those left behind to strive to live lives that warrant a credible acknowledgement.

At least it sounded good, no?:cool:
Sounds wonderful...just throw my ashes in desert, have a beer & move on-I did :D