even cheap love-tokens can buy sex

tank girl

New Member
:erm: uh-oh..the secrets out :mope:

IT IS an age-old story in the animal kingdom: males give gifts to females to seduce them.

But why do some individuals hand over valuable presents while others get away with common tat? For instance, males of some fly species either present females with hard-won edible insects, or inedible seeds or twigs. Some even do both.

The evolutionary benefits of giving gifts that boost reproductive success, such as food, may seem obvious. But Natasha LeBas of the University of St Andrews in Scotland and colleagues believe worthless gifts also give males a selective advantage by reducing the investment they must make to reproduce.

They studied male dance flies mating on Scottish farmland. The researchers replaced the insect gifts being offered with cotton balls - and discovered the cotton-bearing males managed to copulate for just as long (Current Biology, vol 15, p 64). "Selection does seem to act strongly on the males that reduce their investment," LeBas told New Scientist, since this group of flies have evolved several fake gift strategies

Though technically, you'd think we humans would be a wee bit different from flies now.. huh

Thoughtful can be cheap or free, and far more romantic (likely to getcha laid) than more costly trinkets.
if i had sex with every man that brought me a present i'd be a bitter undersexed spinster....
tonksy said:
if i had sex with every man that brought me a present i'd be a bitter undersexed spinster....

:lol: true.

Bring on the love-tokens...! :lloyd:

no, wait. We'll never get anything 'bought' for us again :mope:
So much for the Valentines industry.

But then, thats not such a bad thing.

Down with consumerism, up with true Romance ;) up with gettin laid. :D
Flower seeds: $0.25

Planting them in your girlfriend's backyard as a sign of their relationship: Free

Having your girlfriend melt over: Free

Mounting your girlfriend right after, next to the planted seeds, in broad daylight: Priceless

There are some things money can buy for everything else there is hokey effection.
I'd welcome someone to plant flower seeds in my garden, just as long as they remember no...promise to come back and water them each day too :)
I thought sex was supposed to be freely given, and not dependent upon trinkets. I mean...I've never asked for anything for *ahem* contributions. :grinno:
all i know is that when my hubby surprises me with a flower he picked from the yard or a poem he has written ... :brow: