Everyone, meet my new love.. Charlie..


Kissy Goddess
Check out these eyes!!! I just got kitty on Saturday :)


charlie1 r.jpg, 49.10kb


charlie2 r.jpg, 52.13kb

Wow...Never saw that in a cat before..(the eye thing) Ive seen it in dogs, but never a cat. Thats pretty kewl.
He's had three homes before mine so he's a little shy - but he's warming up to us really well! Bailey (dog) and him avoid eachother. Actually, Bailey wants to play with him, but he's a cat - he doesn't want anything to do with playing with a dog!!
Whoa ... ditto what Squiggy said ... I've seen eyes like that on a Dalmation, but never in a cat.
Your sig, Unc - when I read it, I always read it as "A flute with no holes is a penis...." :rofl3: I know..'how mature' :D
Looks like that kitten that was hanging around my apartment about a week and a half ago...only both of his eyes are/were the same color...Perhaps you've got life #2...
He belonged to an older couple who had to move and the new place wouldn't allow cats so one of the gals I work with adopted him. He's 2 and still somewhat "energetic". Well, this gal has trinkets out the ying-yang all over her house and decided these garage sale items were more precious than Charlie (then called "Ollie"). So, another gal from the office here said she'd take the cat. As it turns out, her son was not so nice to the cat (but very nice to thier other cat...?) and she thought it best to find the cat another home. That's when I said I would take him :)

Apparently, he used to growl at everyone all the time. He's never growled at us. Ever. So I think he's home now :)
Spirit said:
He's had three homes before mine so he's a little shy - but he's warming up to us really well! Bailey (dog) and him avoid eachother. Actually, Bailey wants to play with him, but he's a cat - he doesn't want anything to do with playing with a dog!!
I saw that... but thats a typical day one reaction for a cat. It tends to chill out after a week as they reach an understanding. I was just looking for a progress report.