Ex-CIA claims Bush Manipulated evidence

remeber, this is Faux news, they and murdoch obviously have their agenda.

IE ) BUSH WON BUSH WON (before votes were in.)
Oh, here's a check.

I can lable you anything I want to, it doesn't mean it's true.

I pray they have dirt.
Quick lesson in journalism: news stories like that are almost always written by a writer employed by the Associated Press. The story you linked to is included in that, as credit is given to the AP. News sources such as Fox, CNN, or even your local newspaper just re-run stories off of the AP wire service. Therefore, that story was not written with a "Fox conservative agenda" in mind. You could have just as easily found the exact same story on the CNN (aka Clinton News Network) website, MSNBC, Yahoo! News, and so on down the line.

Point: make sure you know what you're talking about before you make yourself look stupid again.