
Oh, do hush. It's freedom of speech donchaknow. And it never would have happened if that fascist pig Bush would just capitulate and bring his toy soldiers home and forget his little personal vendetta. I mean, for real (Yes, double decaf latte please, all non-dairy) the man has his priorities all out of whack. ($7.95? Here's eight, keep the change Adolfus.) It's high time we stand as a united diverse group and let him know that we don't like him. (Oh, and one of those $6.95 strawberry muffins too please) America has been a bully for too long. It's time we take our natural place in the new world order, and with the help of Pelosi and Hillary and other strong men of virtue we'll turn this country around! (Umm, Adolfus, where's the synthetic sweetener?)

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to hop back into the hybrid and get going. I'm late for work, and we all know what meanies capitalist business owners can be about silly little things like personal responsibility and being on time and all that hoo-hah. I swear, I'm going to have to get some overtime in this week. Kinko's just doesn't pay like it used to. How's a body supposed to have any kind of life on this pittance? If I weren't such a smart person about managing my money I'd never make it. Thank goodness I took that online financial management class sponsored by moveon dot org!
This is what happens when you tell morons their opinion counts for something. They feel like they have to have one .... no matter how uninformed or stupid.
If they'd just come forward, they'd have their right to speak. Or to remain silent.
Vandals Burn Dozens of American Flags Decorating Veterans' Graves, Replace With Swastikas

I can't help but think some of you are inserting a political agenda where none exists. Assholes are assholes and always will be.
I can't help but think some of you are inserting a political agenda where none exists. Assholes are assholes and always will be.

Due to the site vandalized. When I was at McChord, I was in the base Honor Guard, and that was one of the sites I did funerals in. There was always an anti-military idiot hanging around, but, at the time, they mostly kept themselves to non-invasive protest. With all of the rhetoric going on today, I wouldn't put it past some people to take their 'protest' to this level.

Anyway, I wonder what would be a proper punishment for this vandal, or vandals. Public corporal punishment would be a good start for a first offender...
It probably some fundie christians like Phelps and his crew.

Go to church kiddies! God wants you to hate soldiers, amish, and gays.

Don't believe in dinosaurs either! :laugh:
Due to the site vandalized. When I was at McChord, I was in the base Honor Guard, and that was one of the sites I did funerals in. There was always an anti-military idiot hanging around, but, at the time, they mostly kept themselves to non-invasive protest. With all of the rhetoric going on today, I wouldn't put it past some people to take their 'protest' to this level.

Anyway, I wonder what would be a proper punishment for this vandal, or vandals. Public corporal punishment would be a good start for a first offender...

Naw ..... bootcamp.

Well, as everyone knows I'm all for corporal punishment but it's evidently not touchy-feely enough. As far as political agendas go, I hope not, How big of an idiot do you have to be not to realize what a shit-storm this'd be (never mind, it's a rhetorical question ;) ).