F-16 Accidentally Fires on School

Didn't someone just recently drop a bomb on a hiking path too? wtf?

perhaps they should be making more use of simulators :alienhuh:
Professur said:
Oops ......

Maybe they should just stop putting live ammo into planes.

That A-10 incident was a problem with the plane...the F-16 incident was a problem with the pilot. In any case...they're two vastly different weapons systems, anyway...
Gato_Solo said:
What are they smoking in the cockpits of these airplanes today...At least the janitor made a 'clean sweep' of the area. :D :lol2:

It's the National Guard. What do you expect from one weekend a month and two weeks per year? :D
Professur said:
A-10 thunderbolt? I thought the a-10 was the Warthog??

It's real name is the Thunderbolt II. It's called the Warthog because it's an ugly-looking plane.
HeXp£Øi± said:
It's the National Guard. What do you expect from one weekend a month and two weeks per year? :D

Ummm...is it too much to ask the pilot to stay awake? How about asking him not to touch this button? ;)
As I recall (I researched the Warthog for a RC model I was considering) the Warthog was a tankbuster, slow as hell, armoured like a tank, and carrying the heaviest cannon they could get airborn with.
Professur said:
As I recall (I researched the Warthog for a RC model I was considering) the Warthog was a tankbuster, slow as hell, armoured like a tank, and carrying the heaviest cannon they could get airborn with.

Yep. That's the Thunderbolt II, alright. Pilots called it the warthog...not the manufacturer. ;)
Professur said:
As I recall (I researched the Warthog for a RC model I was considering) the Warthog was a tankbuster, slow as hell, armoured like a tank, and carrying the heaviest cannon they could get airborn with.

I remember seeing one fly at the Abbotsford Airshow back in '86 ,ugly, fast and loud would hate to hear it firing at me like it did the British in Basra.
The engine ducting for the model was 2L soda bottles. I've still got the plans about, just don't have the time.