

New Member
I watched the Falcons "Three Stooges" themselves to another victory; this time over the Saints. I don't know how they keep doing it. What are they now? 9-2? Its almost scary. The Falcons being perennial losers are as regluar as leaves in the spring.
It threw the whole world for a loop. Do you remember the one episode of South Park where the 'cave man' was pulled from the ice after five years and was kept in zoo-like isolation and given articles from his own time, like Eddie Bauer sweaters, so as not to send him into a caveman culture shock. They screwed up and gave him a radio and the first thing he heard was: ...and the Atlanta Falcons are going to the Superbowl... and he went into a primordial caveman rage. :D
I missed that episode. But Falcon Fever had spread across the nation. Around that time, I got my first pin at the varsity level in wrestling, and some of the other wrestlers did the "dirty bird" in celebration. See, it was a hard-fought match, and I came from being a crappy-ass wrestler several years earlier to get to that point.
i'm just glad to finally have a local team that does not leave me in bitter disappointment every sunday.
Strangely enough, I had somehow missed the entire thing as all of my friends were into either computers or music. I had little sport in my life for about a 3 year window. I had no idea that the Falcons were doing good until I was sitting in my shitty apartment and using my shitty dialup connection and suddenly heard several group celebration screams of joy from multiple directions through the walls. I thought 'wtf?' and turned on the tv to see the replay of the game winning field goal against the much deadlier Vikings.

I simply had no idea.
I theink the Falcons are an example of how one person can affect the outcome of a football game.
Without Vick they're a sub .500 team. Besides, he's almost as much fun to watch as Peyton Manning. ;)
chcr said:
I theink the Falcons are an example of how one person can affect the outcome of a football game.
Without Vick they're a sub .500 team. Besides, he's almost as much fun to watch as Peyton Manning. ;)
The day will come when he runs once too often and some tank is going to separate his shoulderblade and *poof* he will be out for another season and their record will drift back to the tried and true 5-11.
Looks like a possible Falcons/Steelers superbowl this year... Those poor boids don't stand a chance... :devious:
Gato_Solo said:
Looks like a possible Falcons/Steelers superbowl this year... Those poor boids don't stand a chance... :devious:

I keep hoping the Colts can score their way to the Super Bowl, but history shows that that doesn't work. :shrug: But then, the Red Sox won the World Series, didn't they?

BTW, the Falcons will never get past the Eagles.
chcr said:
I keep hoping the Colts can score their way to the Super Bowl, but history shows that that doesn't work. :shrug: But then, the Red Sox won the World Series, didn't they?

BTW, the Falcons will never get past the Eagles.

Pittsburgh did. ;) Really, though, it depends upon who's actually 'on their game' when they clash.
last season i made a peyton manning voodoo doll...looks like i'll need a new one. what about the pat's....again.
tonksy said:
i'm just glad to finally have a local team that does not leave me in bitter disappointment every sunday.

I wish I knew what that was like... :(

I'm gonna find out just how many offensive categories the Bears are dead last in the NFL in, anyone wanna take a guess?

BTW, it seems those 1985 videos should be in sometime this week, so that'll certainly cheer me up.
We are the Bears' shufflin' crew
shufflin' on down, doin' it for you.
We're so bad, we know we're good,
blowin' your mind like we knew we would.
You know we're just struttin' for fun,
struttin' our stuff for everyone.
We're not here to start no trouble,
We're just here to do the Super Bowl Shuffle.
