Fastest Supercomputer


Well-Known Member
China Has World's Fastest Supercomputer

A leading Chinese research center has built the world's fastest supercomputer, capable of trillions of calculations per second, according to an industry announcement made Thursday -- underscoring the country's rise as a science and technology powerhouse.

The Tianhe-1 machine housed at the National Center for Supercomputing in the northern port city of Tianjin is capable of sustained computing of 2.507 petaflops, the equivalent of 2,507 trillion calculations, per second.

It'll only last until the warranty runs out in a year though.:rofl3:
yeah i guess that's what happens when a bunch of people get real educated and industrious rather than...

breeding and coasting through on whatever means of making a living falls in their laps... while at the same time bitching about others they blame for things not 'being the way they used to be' (in la-la land where their own worthless meandering asses would have somehow been more respectable HA HA HA).
Yeah, imagine how much more productive the USA would be if we put gun to everyone's head.

You worry me minx.

fuck yeah! you proles these days lack proper discipline! when we get whiney proles instead of scared, productive proles, now that is where the problems start. but hey i guess we can blame liberals for that one!
I've been stripping comps for wire, gold, and other things for scrap,
for several years now to make ends meet.

It's one reason I have been able to make it just on my SS.
But really here.

Clinton did let the ChiComs have at technologies that they didn't develop. Do you suppose our new overlords, China, will share their advanced tech with us?
We proles have one thing that the ruling minxes always forget. When we get tired of shit, it's their head that pops.
really gonz? maybe you should read some history. you proles get too surly, and the national guard comes out and shoots your asses.

seems like you already are sick of it all. but all you weenies do is whine and hold up stupid signs with silly slogans. my head has not, and will not, pop. i will just watch the circus and laugh.
yep, and i'm laughing at your sorry ass.

Keep laughing egghead. These are your people

Citing cases dating back as far as 1928, a judge has ruled that a young girl accused of running down an elderly woman while racing a bicycle with training wheels on a Manhattan sidewalk two years ago can be sued for negligence.

The ruling by the judge, Justice Paul Wooten of State Supreme Court in Manhattan, did not find that the girl was liable, but merely permitted a lawsuit brought against her, another boy and their parents to move forward.

She's FOUR