Favorite Vonnegut Book


New Member
What is everyone's favorite Kurt Vonnegut book? I've recently gotten into his books. I have only read a handful so far, but plan on reading many many more.

My favorite is Cat's Cradle. The way he treats religion is dead on. If I had to choose a religion, it would be Bokonism.

Mother Night is a close second. The moral of the story rings true: You are what you pretend to be, so be careful what you pretend to be.

The only one I have read that I didn't like is The Sirens of Titan.

Any other Vonnegut fans?
i didn't care for galapagous (sp?). i've read most of the others many moons ago and they all run together for me, i can't remember which book was which book. i know i liked breakfast of champions and slaughter house 5. incidentally, is anyone a john irving fan?
Cats Cradle was good but kind of disturbed me in a way(especially at the end) and i cant remember teh title but its something about a slaughterhouse