FDA to regulate electronic cigarettes


Well-Known Member
One more step to taxing these things as "cigarettes".


FDA to treat electronic cigarettes as tobacco
Agency won’t regulate smokeless device as drug-delivery item

RICHMOND | The Food and Drug Administration said Monday it plans to regulate smokeless electronic cigarettes as tobacco products and won’t try to regulate them under stricter rules for drug-delivery devices.

The federal agency said in a letter to stakeholders Monday that it intends to propose rule changes to treat e-cigarettes the same as traditional cigarettes and other tobacco products.

The news is considered a victory for makers and distributors of the devices, which continue to gain popularity worldwide.

E-cigarettes are plastic and metal devices that heat a liquid nicotine solution in a disposable cartridge, creating vapor that the “smoker” inhales. A tiny light on the tip even glows like a real cigarette.

Users and distributors say e-cigarettes address both the nicotine addiction and the behavioral aspects of smoking — the holding of the cigarette, the puffing, seeing the smoke come out and the hand motion — without the more than 4,000 chemicals found in cigarettes.

First marketed overseas in 2002, e-cigarettes didn’t become easily available in the U.S. until late 2006. Now, the industry has grown from the thousands of users in 2006 to several million worldwide, with tens of thousands of new e-smokers every week.

No timeline has been set on the proposed rule changes.

"The news is considered a victory for makers and distributors of the devices, which continue to gain popularity worldwide."

and this is bad how? why shouldn't you pay to support businesses? i though business was the good guys.
The businesses are only happy that they will not be regulated as a drug delivery system which would open them up to millions of dollars in testing and regulation that would drive them out of business. Read the article and that will become quite clear. How would they possibly show that their system is "safe" when the drug they are delivering has already been condemned as unsafe?