Fight or flee


molṑn labé
Staff member
It's looking dumber & dumber in Fallujah. Give the enemy time to properly re-arm all the while the arms they are turning in are rusty & useless trash. Maybe our side will actually do something about it this time. I'm not too sure I'll hold my breath though.

April 22 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. military will resolve the standoff in the Iraqi city of Fallujah with what it says are foreign terrorists and former members of Saddam Hussein's military elite within ``days,'' Dan Senor, a spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition, said in Baghdad.

The U.S. has allowed civic leaders to try to negotiate with anti-U.S. insurgents for a cease-fire and voluntary disarmament in the mostly Sunni Muslim city 35 miles (56 kilometers) west of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. The U.S. sent its soldiers into the city after four civilian contractors were killed and their bodies mutilated March 31.

The U.S. will allow negotiations inside Fallujah to continue for ``a few more days'' before Marines attack the city again, Marine Corps Lieutenant General James Conway said in a separately televised briefing. ``If we attack I'm confident the fight won't last long.''

Gonz said:
It's looking dumber & dumber in Fallujah. Give the enemy time to properly re-arm all the while the arms they are turning in are rusty & useless trash. Maybe our side will actually do something about it this time. I'm not too sure I'll hold my breath though.


Never know, Gonz. He might have a few more 155's than you think...not to mention Cobras, Apaches, AC-130's, etc...If we didn't give a damn about what the world would say, we could've dropped a MOAB, or a BLU-82 on them the first day and ended this whole thing with a HUGE bang....
I've reached an uncomfortable decision. The few Iraqi's I personally know are the oddballs & outcasts. They left for a reson beyond my (and most westerners) comprehension. The remaining Iraqi's are truly 12th century holdouts & in order to bring the country to the 21st century, it may be time to go in with all guns blazing. Sometimes it has to be ugly before beauty can show itself.
Ask & ye may receive?

WASHINGTON - President Bush held a conference call Saturday with his senior national security and military advisers to discuss the situation in Iraq, particularly restive Fallujah, a senior defense official said.

The official said the purpose of the teleconference was mainly for Gen. John Abizaid, the top U.S. commander for the Middle East, to give Bush and others an update on the situation inside the city and the U.S. Marines' readiness to resume offensive operations against thousands of insurgents hole up there.

The senior official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said it was not clear when Abizaid would determine that time had run out on efforts to achieve a peaceful end to the Fallujah standoff. He said Abizaid has the Marines "ready to go" back on the offensive at any time.

The New York Times reported in its Sunday editions that Bush and his senior advisers were expected to decide this weekend whether to invade Fallujah, even at the risk of stirring additional resentment by Iraqis in other areas.

U.S. Marines have postponed plans to mount an attack against insurgents in Fallujah and instead will attempt to regain control of the violence-wracked city without a full-scale offensive...

The new strategy reached in consultation with White House over the weekend...

Concerned about the repercussions an attack could generate across Iraq and the Arab world, military to confront a band of hard-core Sunni Muslim insurgents by having Marines conduct patrols in the city alongside Iraqi security forces... Developing...
U.S. troops will begin patrols with Iraqi security forces in Fallujah, the military says, and anyone seen with a weapon will be considered hostile

Poor security forces ,wouldn't want to be in their shoes,unless the US has someway of differentiating Iraqis. :eyebrow:
I'm sure that if they do, the insurgents will figure it out quickly enough.