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Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Too much time on someones hands...

NEW YORK — Chalk it up to the city's crackdown on graffiti.

A 6-year-old child's chalk sketches on her family's stoop brought her bemused parents a graffiti-removal notice that threatened a $300 fine, the family and Sanitation Department officials said.

"My mom got a ticket for graffiti, and it wasn't even graffiti," first-grader Natalie Shea said. "It was art, very nice art."

But a neighbor apparently didn't see it that way and called the city's 311 complaint line about the blue flower drawn earlier this month on the stoop of Natalie's home in Park Slope, a Brooklyn neighborhood known for being family-friendly.

Proof positive that, no matter how you word something, somebody will abuse the meaning enough so that everybody suffers...:rolleyes:
There are times in this life when the proper solution to a situation is an ass kicking. This would be one of those times.
They just need to dispatch a squad of the Guardian Angels over there to break some kneecaps. How dare they let their child be free and creative in this day and age.
"It was art, very nice art."

A parent being foolish. It's a kids drawings.

Tell ya what, allow the taggers to use kids chalk. It washes off, wears away & doesn't have the staying power of spray paint.

Neighborhood dispute?
I wonder if it really was prompted by a neighbor or if there was some kind of lazy meter maid squad scribbling out random fines.
I wonder if it really was prompted by a neighbor or if there was some kind of lazy meter maid squad scribbling out random fines.

But a neighbor apparently didn't see it that way and called the city's 311 complaint line about the blue flower drawn earlier this month

I'd hate to be that neighbor. It'll be six months before he can pick up his morning paper without getting piss on his hands.
If it was a neighbor, it goes way beyond a little scribbling. There must be some kind of a bad neighbor turf war going back years. Petty, petty, petty.

A cop of some kind still had to come by and write a citation... and if they couldn't tell that it was just chalk... they need to turn in their tin badge and water pistol and crawl home.
Letter of the law, unc. If the neighbor chooses to be a pure grade-A SOB about it, the cop has to follow the law to the letter. The judge might toss it out if the recipient chooses to take it that far, and I would, but the cop has to do his job, and that ends with the assessment of Is there something here in violation of a city code?
That's hard to say. I still remember the days when the inner portions of most major cities were dirty, dingy, were full of little porn places, drugs everywhere... corruption. The administrations over the last 10-12 years have been cracking the whip in order to clean up the cities, and the images therof, of New York, Chicago, Boston... etc.

Perhaps the laws were written up like the school no tolerance policies and the officers no longer have the ability to make independent judgement calls. Its only a small step from chalk drawings to Al Qaieda after all. :/
Judges have made it crystal clear that the cop's role is enforcement, and the role of legal interpretation belongs to the Court. Thus, cops use less and less judgment calls, particularly in metropolitan settings, than they used to. Especially when some nosy SOB who just will NOT shut his piehole is staring them down looking for a lawsuit to file and headlines to make. It's easier, safer, and quicker for the cop to write the ticket and let the judges and lawyers hash it out. Right or wrong, that's where we've come to.