Final Day


molṑn labé
Staff member
Will they or won't they?

Israel is out of time. If the Rusians sink the rods in the Iranian reactor core, we're looking at a new powerhouse in the middle east.

Does Israel have the support of the vacationing President? Do they need his support? Will they strike (today)?
I thought Obama had sent Iran a strongly worded letter last year. Something about "consequences" if Iran didn't comply by January ...or something like that.


There is no stopping it now. Suddenly, nukes everywhere.
There will be no Israeli strike.
It takes quite sometime to produce plutonium
and then there is a lot required to build a weapon.
My guess is the Mossad know quite well the status
of the Iranian nuclear weapons program.

I wonder if the Israelis are waiting just as we are
for Barrack Hussein Osama to be deposed.

They would have little to gain and much to lose
from attempting a series of strikes into Iran without
US approval, if they could even pull it off.

But an Israeli nuclear first strike against Iran is a third
world war scenario if Hussein gets reelected in 2012?

Remember that Obambi said that we would
be willing to absorb a nuclear strike from a
3rd world nation and not retaliate in kind?
Ya gotta love it!
It takes quite sometime to produce plutonium
and then there is a lot required to build a weapon.

Yea, but as soon as the rods hit the water, there's a (and an ever increasing) risk of a radiation leak.
One that doesn't exist now.
Will they or won't they?

Israel is out of time. If the Rusians sink the rods in the Iranian reactor core, we're looking at a new powerhouse in the middle east.

Does Israel have the support of the vacationing President? Do they need his support? Will they strike (today)?

nope, no strike until at least after the "summit" with the Palestinians, if they
finalize the agreement,
and I think they are waiting to see if the meeting is finalized.
It's just another stall tactic though, and this time, instigated but Our government.

If Israel is smart, wait on us, or the Palestinians. I bet they will though,
at least a Little longer.