Final Four

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I can root for Tech if you want, HomeLAN, but so far my track record this year is pretty poor. You might want me to root for someone else. :lol:
My magic must've worked 'cause Duke lost to UConn 79-78. GT beat UConn earlier in preseason or something by 16, but that's not much to go by. Still looks pretty good for tomorrow.

As for my expertise... (credit to tonksy for the pic) :D
Personally Im looking forward to that Connecticut-Minnesota game (yeah Im hard core and watch da womens tourney too). The Gophers have two phenomenal players in Whalen and McCarville who have been so dominant this tournament. But its hard to pick againt Diana Taurasi who is in my opinion Larry Bird incarnate in female form.

As for the men does anybody really think Shenches (sp?) can even begin to handle Okafor?
I'm sure if he can't someone else on the team will step up. That's what's gotten them this far.

I'd like to see Tech win, mainly because they've never won it before.