
Well-Known Member
after months and months of waiting ... and hours and hours in labor ...


I have a brand-new niece! WOOHOO!!

No name as of yet ... but she was 7lbs, 9oz and 19.25 inches long. I'm so glad she gave birth before I left *whew* ... can't wait to bring her home ...
thanks trin :)

oh yeah .. by the way, everyone .. I'm guessing ku'u won't be on for a while :D
umm.. hey y'all .. what about me? I got a brand-new niece *sniff* ... someone congratulate me before I think the world actually doesn't revolve around me!

Originally posted by unclehobart
Does the baby look like me or her?

actually, according to my cousin, the father, she looks like Corey Feldman ... guess she fooled you both! :eek:

Originally posted by nalani
umm.. hey y'all .. what about me? I got a brand-new niece *sniff* ... someone congratulate me before I think the world actually doesn't revolve around me!


:D :D
Originally posted by Luis G
BTW, where are the pics of you and your new niece ?? ;)

dang Luis, she's less than 12 hours old .. you want me to shove a flash in her face? :D

Actually, I haven't seen her yet ... I'll be going to hospital around 5pm .. but I don't think ku'u will appreciate the camera action .. and since I don't wanna suffer her wrath, I'll just wait til she's good and ready :D

btw - thanks for the congrats, Luis

You can turn off the flash, just take the pic, doesn't matter if it is kinda dark. ;)
I'm getting ready to leave work and go to the hospital to see my brand spanking new niece! (and ku'u too)

can't wait to bring them home! if all goes well, they should be home tomorrow ... I'll keep you all posted!