Find out how many people in the UK share the same name as you.

There are


People with the name Dennis Field.
You are rarer than a wombats wing nut.

Good thing I'm the only fury named Dennis Field. That could've been confusing :lol:
There are


People with the name Lacey Scheelk.
That name doesn't exist. Are you secret service?
Don't hurt me I've seen Enemy of the State.

There are


People with the name Mark (my last name).

That name doesn't exist. Are you secret service?
Don't hurt me I've seen Enemy of the State.
There are


People with the name Smith.
There are a few of you lot. Oh look there's another Smith over there, and another one.
10p for a cup of coffee? Okay but don't spend it on Special Brew.
There are


People with the name Justin.
You lot are going to produce a combined
360.0633 tons of skin in your life. You disgust me.

There are


People with the name Justin [insert surname ;)].

That name doesn't exist. Are you secret service?
Don't hurt me I've seen Enemy of the State.
Re: Re: Find out how many people in the UK share the same name as you.

unclehobart said:
Your sis doesn't exist. Methinks the program is a weeeeee bit incomplete.

Yeah, I get that impression also. :D

There are


People with the name Edward Rogers.
More people probably die poking spoons into the back of their PC's
every year than there are of you.
Hey, I poke a spoon in the back of my PC all the time (spoonerclocking:D), and I ain't dead yet.
unclehobart said:
heck... 'strader' doesn't exist at all. What gives? Didja excise olla yer Krauts, or what?

Looks like it. Sorry. :(

Whadd'ya know...


There are


People with the name Leslie Wilton.
You are rarer than a wombats wing nut.

There are


People with the name Leslie Summerton.
You are rarer than a wombats wing nut.

they couldn't come up with a more random funny phrase? that one gets kinda old :lol:
Zero with my 2 names, let alone to include any last name.

however, 1532 with the name Luis.