Fine, I'll start the thread on SA


molṑn labé
Staff member
Why aren't we going after Saudi Arabia like we went after Afghanistan or Iraq?

They don't officially support terrorism. 15/19 highjackers were Saudis, true. There wasn't any state sponsored money (that we know of) involved in it's inception, planning or action. The Saudi government lent it's support to the US following 9/11. We still have & use bases there.

Oil-If the world is having a shitfit over our action against Iraq, imagine if we decided to take action against the Europeans biggest oil supplier. SA has already agreed to increase production should current supplies slow down. They have the largest reserves in the world. Ironically, they're using American technology, American hardware & American pipelines because they couldn't even get it from the ground if they somehow knew where it was. If they could use a giant straw, how would they get it to the coast for shipping because they can't process it without Americas help.

Mecca-Right now, we have less than 50% of the worldwide muslims angry at us. Blow up their holy sites & all muslims are ready for martyrdom. They'd start with Jerusalem, site of Christianitys holy sites & it would only increase the fuel for fire that Israel is current owner of that particular plot of ground. It would become nuclear, without question.

If we help a few areas become free, that freedom will spread & eventually, it'll crumble without a shot being fired.

In 5,000 years, they've gone from obscurity to prominence and back to obscurity. Oil & the British brought them back to the dark ages. Nobody else is willing to do anything why not try this?
Why aren't we going after Saudi Arabia like we went after Afghanistan or Iraq?
One word, Hypocrisy. We could force the Saudis to bring down the hammer within their own country but the family is so unpopular already that they might find themselves dead one day. make no mistake, the family fears Usama Bin Laden and these other radicals. Maybe they don't as you say 'officially' support terrorism but they do appease these fundamentalists in the most extreme manner. To make a long story short there are a large group of fundamentalists within Saudi Arabia and if the royal family forces thier hand the family might very well end up with the short end of the stick(ultimately dead). And we don't want that. Also it's the good kind of oil, cheap. In fact, this brings up an idea i hadn't thought about, maybe we're securing an oil source so that we can deal with the likes of Saudi Arabia without hurting ourselves at home. If we tried Saudi Arabia first the entire middle east might cut us off.
Gonz said:
Why aren't we going after Saudi Arabia like we went after Afghanistan or Iraq?

They don't officially support terrorism. 15/19 highjackers were Saudis, true. There wasn't any state sponsored money (that we know of) involved in it's inception, planning or action.

That could be said more convincingly about Iraq.

The Saudi government lent it's support to the US following 9/11. We still have & use bases there.

:confuse3: So what? Iraq offered condolences too. Do you think they were sincere?

Oil-If the world is having a shitfit over our action against Iraq, imagine if we decided to take action against the Europeans biggest oil supplier. SA has already agreed to increase production should current supplies slow down. They have the largest reserves in the world. Ironically, they're using American technology, American hardware & American pipelines because they couldn't even get it from the ground if they somehow knew where it was. If they could use a giant straw, how would they get it to the coast for shipping because they can't process it without Americas help.

Given the evidence, the world would easily understand and suppport our action against SA. And please don't tell me to worry about American assests as though it gives SA permission for their actions.

Mecca-Right now, we have less than 50% of the worldwide muslims angry at us. Blow up their holy sites & all muslims are ready for martyrdom. They'd start with Jerusalem, site of Christianitys holy sites & it would only increase the fuel for fire that Israel is current owner of that particular plot of ground. It would become nuclear, without question.

This is NOT the time to worry about that. If we are to hold our heads high, we should live by those words we all cheered... " "We will not distinguish between those who committed this terrorism and those who harbour and support them".

If we help a few areas become free, that freedom will spread & eventually, it'll crumble without a shot being fired.

"Trickle down" theories DON"T work. We've learned that already...Thank you.

In 5,000 years, they've gone from obscurity to prominence and back to obscurity. Oil & the British brought them back to the dark ages. Nobody else is willing to do anything why not try this?

Because there were Americans who died on 9/11 annd its disgusting to see us carrying out "Bush's revenge" in THEIR names. They deserve better than to be bantered about as so much political fodder.
Squiggy said:
If we are to hold our heads high, we should live by those words we all cheered... " "We will not distinguish between those who committed this terrorism and those who harbour and support them".

There seems to be a whole world pissed at us for living up to those words.
Squiggy, you just reminded me of something I heard in the eighties. I was attending a lecture by J.K. Galbraith, and he expounded on good ole Ron's trickle down economics. He said something like his dad had called that the horse and sparrow theory. If you feed the horse enough oats, there'll be something left in the road for the sparrow.

Kind of still applies, hmm????
chcr said:
Squiggy, you just reminded me of something I heard in the eighties. I was attending a lecture by J.K. Galbraith, and he expounded on good ole Ron's trickle down economics. He said something like his dad had called that the horse and sparrow theory. If you feed the horse enough oats, there'll be something left in the road for the sparrow.

Kind of still applies, hmm????

Not at all, chcr. The horse can't help but shit. Do you really think Cheney spent his entire income to support himself and purchase goods to inspire the economy? The rich are stockpiling money and its all flowing uphill.
The rich are stockpiling money and its all flowing uphill.
Umm, Squig? That was kind of his point, and mine.
Its been going on for years. The gap between the haves and the have-nots widens daily, and sooner or later the whole system will break down. Unfortunately, hardly anyone thinks that far ahead.
chcr said:
The gap between the haves and the have-nots widens daily

Tell that to the 90's. More millionaires in that decade were CREATED than had previously existed. If they stayed greedy & lost it, that's why we have "the rich". They know when to jump.