Finish the job for him


Southern Discomfort
NYC doc blows up apartment building

This man is a doctor. He took an oath to do no harm. How's that workin' for ya there Sparky?

He blows up an entire apartment building to prevent his soon to be ex-wife from getting their apartment. Suicide attempt they say. I say we finish the job for him. Let every tenant of the building pop a cap in his self serving ass. Sadly, I know all too well what it's like to lose everything you own. This jackass took people's possessions, their lives, their memories...all for greed and selfishness. Tied up emergency responders in an already overtaxed city...all for his own little feelings. He does not deserve to dwell among us any longer. If he survives, lock him up until he dies, then kill him again.
Here I was, thinking "nobody coulda survived that one". Tar & feather that piece of shit.
I would rather put him to death or let us save the taxpayers. Let an inmate kill him. Either way he doesn't deserve to live
A few months ago, a guy that didn't want to give anything to her wife sold her car for $10, I don't remember what car it was but I believe it was at least a BMW.