Fire the lot of them...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
We had a short discussion about this before. Here it is again. If they didn't like his policies, then why didn't they quit? With their backgrounds, I'm sure they could've found work elsewhere. Guess they forgot what the job be the arm of the President's foreign policy, and enforce said policy. From what I understand, it doesn't say you have to like those policies. Staff revolt, indeed. Give them their two-weeks notice, and hire people who will do the job.
How about firing the guy with the screwed up policies.

How about you stick to the topic just this once? We already know your broken-record postings about the current administration. Guess what? They'll be gone in one year and 12 days. Get over it, already. :rolleyes:

Here's a thought...if you don't like your boss, and you don't like what your boss is telling you to do, what are your options?
Yay! :banana:

You're too easy.

How about "show some cleavage", "eBay Powerseller", "Bikram Yoga", "Xanax", or "Tantric Sex" maybe?
The pisser is the President wields the power but these beauracrats have tenure. Even if they don't do their job, some union thug will waste millions of taxpayers dollars fighting a firing.