First S Korea, now Norway?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Science is beginning to look a lot like politics.

A Norwegian cancer researcher has admitted fabricating data published in a renowned international medical journal, officials in Norway said Saturday.

The researcher at Norway's Comprehensive Cancer Center, who was not identified, used faked patient data in an article on oral cancer published in the October 2005 issue of The Lancet, Britain's leading medical journal, said Stein Vaaler, strategy director for the cancer center.

The article claimed that a certain kind of drug decreased the risk of getting oral cancer and referred to results seen in patients in two national databases, Vaaler said in an interview.

"Popular" science (the kind that usually gets reported in the media) is all politics.
I'm thinking that such claims are planted by their respective companies in order to make a short term killing on the stock. All they need do is bribe the scientist with a few million, a false claim is made, the public panic buys, a little time goes by, the fraud/retraction is exposed, the stock collapses, and (Emeril *bam*)... a few key dozen key players are making 5 mil. apiece.